Day Two Of the Free Veterinary Clinic In Sarteneja, Belize And Then…MANATEES!

Sunday morning, I wrote all about the long, exhausting, amazing first day of the free clinic in Sarteneja, Belize.  Two veterinarians from Quebec, planning to return to small villages (Hopkins, Sarteneja and RedBank) in Belize ON A VOLUNTEER basis, twice a year to fix pets, to deworm and de-parasite and de-pest them…and to hopefully get people maybe thinking about dogs and cats in a different way.


The kids were really the most exciting part of the experience.  Talking about how to be gentle with puppies (the boy above is comforting his crying pup who just woke from surgery) or how dogs feel scared or hungry or tired or just showing them how to hold a cat without being scared…meeting a handful of local teenagers who want to be vets…it was VERY cool.

These vets and those who help coordinate them coming down are doing a pretty great thing.

Here’s our whole group.  The clinic is organized by (I hope I get this right) Fondation Aide Veterinaire Internationale and the Hopkins Humane Society.


Here are some pictures of Day 2, a slower day, but all in all 40 dogs and cats were fixed.  And some photos of the small but very pretty village of Sarteneja.


Sarteneja has the most beautiful coast line.  The water is bright blue but naturally chalky looking.  Gnarled trees all along it…


My walk to the clinic.


I passed this animal and tried to get in close to see if he needed our veterinary assistance (at least I could provide a nice close shave over his tender bits…).  I didn’t want to get too close and he didn’t look like he was in the mood to show me.


Back to work…


A bit nervous when a cat is delivered not only in a box…but one with string tied around it many many times.

IMG_7723A boy and his puppy.


Everybody wanted to hold them…


And then Wilson, a fantastic volunteer and future vet, and my favorite dog Tuky.

IMG_7745Since the shaving station was slower, I spent much more time in recovery.


Not a bad place to hang out…hopefully not even for the dogs.

20140706_132116 20140706_132145Sunday afternoon we had an early close.  The group was headed to WildTracks just outside of town (down a very long bumpy road) to drop off some supplies and for a tour.

Of the facilities where this amazing couple, Paul and Zoe, and a small army of volunteers do some monumental tasks.

Like rehabilitating illegal pet monkeys for return to the wild…

(Why would you think it’s a good idea to have one of THESE chained in your yard?)


Like nursing orphaned manatees…


You know…the usual.

I’ll tell you all about my trip to WildTracks tomorrow.  But for more on the AMAZING work they do, check out their Facebook page.

I left Sarteneja yesterday morning on the Thunderbolt boat (check that out on this post) and I’m back in San Pedro.  My view as I left Sarteneja…

Sarteneja Sticket

Vandalism?  I don’t think so…



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