Heading Home To Belize

These is something about freezing cold mornings and a true NJ Christmas shopping frenzy that made me happy to come back to Belize to celebrate the holidays.

Don’t get me wrong – I don’t dislike visiting the States – at all.  Things were looking lovely in the old neighborhood (even with light snow)…

NJ house

Though I so DO NOT want to know how many calories are in a Snowman cookies.


I just prefer to do it when things are a bit…warmer.  And things are a little less hectic.


And yesterday was a gorgeous day to fly.  And at Newark Airport, I was introduced to a wonderful new (to me) service called Curb-Side Check In.

Dawn over Port of Newark-New York.  (The third busiest port in the US – after Louisiana and Houston)


Here is how it works.  With only an hour and change left before your flight, you are standing, next to last, on one of those massive early morning American Airline queues.  At least 100 people.  Each with at least 2 pieces of luggage – many double wrapped in plastic, more than a few huge boxes that seem to have no chance to make it to their destination without exploding.

Then…as if sent by heaven, a terminal worker approaches you and asks “Do you tip?”

With a confused nod of your head (what could he do that would be worse than standing in that line?), you are whisked away to a entrance area kiosk, bag checked, boarding passes issued, all for the low low price of $10.  The guy even carries your bags!

Magic.  A Christmas miracle!  I practically floating through the rest of my trip.  Ok…I said PRACTICALLY.

Right on time out of Newark into Miami.  Quick change over and I was flying from Miami on a gorgeous day.


miami 1

And then back to Belize…sigh.

flying in

Landing to find a fleet of PEMEX helicopters at the International Airport.  Hmmmm…


And then my flight back to San Pedro with Tropic Air.

tropic flight


It’s good to be home.  Let the bloggin’ commence!  AND the continued bagel eating.  There were at least two dozen of these beauties in my bag.

bagels packed


No.  You may not have one. 🙂

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