UnBelize-able…Jet’s Bar in Belize Airport
One of the ten best airport bars in the world? Wow. Take a look at this AOL slide show…fancy, chic European places, cool American pubs and then Jet’s in Belize City. Sure, Jet has been doing it for over 25 years and he is an icon. Sure, he looks and sounds exactly like Tattoo from Fantasy Island and it makes for a great photo opp. His bar is filled with memorabilia from all over the world and he’s got a ton of personality. It’s cool that he made this list.
But I felt like the odds were stacked against him. His only food choices? Hot dogs on one of those 7-11 rotating machines and Doritos. Secondly, it is the only bar at this small airport.
So definitely stop in when you are at International airport…never hurts to have a beer or three before you get on one of the little planes to Ambergris Caye or whatever your next destination is.
Visting this bar is one of my top 10 things to do when visiting Belize.
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