Part 2: The Food, Games, Rides, Shopping, Music and Beers at the 2012 Belize Agriculture and Trade Show
It was so hot that you could even buy a shower…complete with soap and shampoo. I can’t imagine how hot I would have to be to take advantage of this $2bzd offer.
Yes actually I can imagine. I’d have to be on fire. And then I’d still pause.
My favorite booth of all and the one that I frequented the most (other than Belikin and Heinekin) was this simple coconut water stand. ICE cold and sweet. I think I bought 5 glasses a day.
I swear this woman was lacing this with some sort of addictive substance. I could not get enough coconut water.
I must have really needed it…I will let you know (whether you want to or not) that I drank all of that coconut water, a few diet Cokes and many, many beers and didn’t have to use the public stalls once. THAT is how hot it was. The sweating never stopped.
I bought some magical hemp oil, Coco de Rasta…touted to fix just about everything (from acne to ringworm). It was also a booth to sign a petition to legalize marijuana.
He conveniently also stocked rolling papers.
The Running W food area was my favorite for food. They were grilling massive amounts of Italian sausage on a stick, steak on a stick and yummy thick pork chops served with flour tortillas. Pork in Belize is SO much more flavorful than in the United States…really really tasty.
There were all sorts of canned fruits and veggies.
Anything associated with cell phones was MOBBED. The line for “Double Up/Triple Up” phone credits was hundreds of people long.
There were crafts for sale and lots of furniture…
…there were services for sale…
Let’s swing by the rides and games…things didn’t get going until later in the afternoon.
A very random selection of stuffed animals from Valentine’s Day and Xmas stuff bears to a pink cat tadpole.
The giant ferris wheel, of course…
And the man who drives it with foot pedals in a modified tractor. That is…when he wasn’t on his phone.
All the major rum and liquor companies had a booth.
There was SO MUCH BEER. Look at this giant refrigerated trailer brought by Belikin beer.
Everyone was selling it and the prices got competitive. Especially by day two of the fair.
I love you Belikin but the beer winner of the trade show? Heinekin.
They were right next to the main stage and strategically placed around the fair grounds. They had seating a Each on of their booths was like a full blown rave. People wanted to be a part of it. I could have spent a few hours here.
Great music, DJs getting the crowd going…everyone was drinking from these little Heineken cans. 3 for $10bzd.
If you bought more than 3, they gave them to you in a nice Heineken bag packed with precious ice. Nice move Heinekin.
There was a cooking competition at the main stage. Guess what they were making…you’ll never guess. Stewed chicken with rice & beans.
Love FM and TV was broadcasting the whole three day event.
And my very very favorites. Concego. As his t-shirt says, they were totally Puntarific. Boys…if you have hear me. Do you need a manager? Come to San Pedro!
While on my way to the show, I made my friend promise the we wouldn’t go on the rickety rides. But after a few beers, I was dying to get on the ferris wheel. I talked Dennis from the San Pedro Sun into joining me.
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