GingerScoop Reports: 2nd Annual Ladies’ Luncheon At Casa Picasso
All of the proceeds were donated directly to the clinic to assist in supplies that are in need.
The event consisted of lunch and drinks with friends, a raffle of prizes, and an ornament exchange.
Casa Picasso was definitely in the holiday spirit, with stockings hung and the Christmas tree twinkling.
Who doesnât love Christmas tunes in the tropics?
The main attraction, to my surprise, was the array of Poly Dollies. What are Poly Dollies? Check it out.
There were over 80 dolls, each with a name tag that included what she enjoyed to do. They were definitely the hit of the party. I think I went through and read each and every one. I was happy I arrived early to have the time to pick one out for myself. Carnita, she was drawn to me. Who doesnât love to make tacos? And her hair, my favorite!
Here are a few others that caught my eye. I think this one was made for SanPedroScoop, but I didnât grab it in timeâ¦.she was already gone.
All of the dolls, yes ALL, were made by these three.
Can you imagine how much time, effort, and love they put into this project? Such a cute and creative idea. I know may young girls will be given one of these for Christmas, as many of the ladies were buying by the handful.
This special PolyClinic doll will be donated to the Poly Clinic, along with the $6,000 that was raised at the event.
Way to go ladies! We were also told there were two anonymous donors that will match the total from the event.
After a short cocktail hour, lunch was served.
All the ladies at their tables.
It began with a few appetizers and then on to the main course. My selection was the shrimp and goat cheese crepe. Just the right amount of goat cheese and full of shrimp.
My favorite part is always dessert. The two choices were poached pears with fresh whipped cream or an eggnog panna cotta.
Both were divine, as I was lucky enough to have a taste of both. And the homemade ginger snapsâ¦finger licking good. Our table could have had a plate full of those and been happy.
We finished the event with the ornament exchange. Each ornament was creatively wrapped and I was anxious to see which one I would end up with. How gorgeous are the ones myself and my friend received! And where in the heck do you get these in San Pedro?
It was a great time to enjoy some wine and laughs with our friends and meet a few new ladies in the community. Even Daisy (“I am always in detention”) joined in the fun.
Thanks to everyone that contributed. I look forward to next yearâs eventâ¦and maybe more Poly Dollies?
Fantastic job GingerScoop. Great pictures…and I’m sorry I missed it. I hear there are a few dolls left for those who are interested in donating to a great cause.
And as always…to meet GingerScoop in person, just stop by Crazy Canuck’s Beach bar for a panini…and ask for Krista.
AND for more details and pictures of this cool event, check out the article in the San Pedro Sun.
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