Kelly McGuire Packs Fido’s for An Amazing SAGA Benefit On Ambergris Caye
Kelly McGuire is back on Ambergris Caye, Belize. A native Texan whose original songs hail from the Jimmy Buffett school of rock, Kelly says it himself…when he is in San Pedro, he feels like “King of the Island” (Also a title song from his latest album).
People flock to his concerts. And make this one doubly special? Make it a Kelly McGuire benefit concert for the SAGA Humane Society? Every seat in the house was packed to show the love, generosity and support.
And this was a bit early in the evening before the bar got REALLY crowded.
Under one huge palapa.
And the support wasn’t just from the attendees. SAGA had so many amazing donations from the town for our raffle and auction…but more details about that later.The auction table was packed with goodies.
Volunteers hit the floor to sell raffle tickets. Here is Steve Schulte, CEO of Tropic Air, buying what seemed like half the roll. Thank you!
And other happy guests.
Heather and her mom, Barb, making sure everyone saw the sign.
Eileen of D and E’s Frozen Custard (and one of the original founders of SAGA) went table to table. She sold so many tickets that it was a bit hard to keep track. She texted me after she got home…apparently she found another $50bzd in her bra when she was getting ready for bed. Don’t tell her I told you.
Kelly sang and told stories…and auctioned…
People were incredibly generous…we raised almost $1200BZD from the auction alone!
The winners of the MUCH COVETED Belikin Limited Edition/Not-for-Sale-in-Stores St. Paddy’s Day shirts.
And two very happy new owners of the Debbie Cooper’s prints from Cooper’s Art Gallery on Caye Caulker. So cute.
After Kelly’s sets and before the Fido’s House band started, it was raffle time. Little Bailey was snagged from the crowd to help choose the tickets. She is now a true Kelly devotee.
Did you know that Grant (who is holding the ticket jug) was one of the Fido’s managers that first brought Kelly to the island about 10 years ago? And that he is now a member of the SAGA Humane Society board? Just a little Grant trivia for you…
And some happy winners.
This gentleman, who bought the very first raffle tickets of the night, won a stunning blinged-out Kelly ladies T-Shirt (donated by Kelly) and he donated it back for auctioning. Perfect. We loved the generosity.
I have lots of people to thank for their generosity…can you do me a favor? Can you thank them if you see them or maybe stop into their shops/businesses/websites to say thanks? I want them to know that we REALLY appreciate it. Support businesses that support SAGA.
In no particular order, Belikin beer for the shirts, Feliz Bar for the gift certificate, Black Orchid Restaurant for their gift card, Lara of Romantic Travel Belize for her artwork, Belizean Melody for hers too, Amigos Del Mar for the snorkel trip, Saul of the Rum, Cigar & Coffee Shop, Graniel’s Dreamland for the very cute flip flop hooks, D and E’s Frozen Custard and Sorbet for the banana splits for two, Belize’s Travellers’ Rum for the rums and liquors, Noele and Doug of Wahoo’s Lounge for the uber-cute T-Shirts,
And Kelly McGuire and Fido’s Courtyard for your amazing generosity. Kelly donated not only merchandise but a portion of his merchandise sale. Fido’s for allowing us to participate and for donating a portion of the draft beer and wings sales.
Check out Kelly’s website for more information on him and his music. And he is playing two more shows this week at Fido’s Courtyard. Thursday, March 21st and Saturday, March 23rd. Both from 6-9pm. Call Fido’s ahead and have them save you a primo table. Kelly’s shows really are good times. Seriously.
Look how happy everyone was…
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