Placencia’s Robert’s Grove Goes All Out for the 9th Annual Belize International Film Festival
Life is fun sometimes. And being invited to the 9th Annual Belize International Film Festival…just invited…is good times. But four days of movies shown on the beach, opening and closing parties, accommodations, red carpets, international press and the beautiful village of Placencia?
What is not to love? Yesterday, I met the “party bus” at the Ramada/Princess Hotel in Belize City for the 4 hour ride to The Inn at Robert’s Grove on the Placencia Peninsula.
Full of actors, staff, press, entertainment…this bad boy had the music pumping and the Belikin Galaxy beers flowing.
We arrived at Robert’s Grove at about 3:30pm and you could tell that the resort had been doing some major set up. The outside deck looked gorgeous.
The red carpet.
And an official press/interview area where we (WE!) could chat with the actors and directors.
And the screen…practically in the water. Can you think of a more beautiful spot to watch a film?
The crowd checked in, picked up their serious swag bags and headed to their rooms to ready for the red carpet and the night’s party.
One of the owners of Robert’s Grove took “the press” just across the way to the beautiful lagoon side properties that are being developed on the large marina.
Look at the 80+ foot catamaran, newly purchased by the resort for diving trips. Eleven state rooms. WOW.
Gorgeous houses with boat slips along the canals…
My suite is beautiful and it was a gorgeous night for a party and outside movie. THANK goodness.
I changed and headed to the party in the 3 inch wedge heels that were about to chew my feet up and spit them out.
BEAUTIFUL spread…Robert’s Grove is REALLY good about branding. The RG is everywhere. I’m guessing all owners have it tattooed somewhere on their bodies. (Allen and Dawn, can you confirm?)
In my fanciest outfit in Belize? I can’t get near this thing! But oh so tempting…
And then the red carpet…here are some of the better pictures that I took. This is where I wish I had the BIG camera. Give me a bit of paparazzi cred.
The director and star of the opening night movie: Kingston Paradise. You can check out the website and their Facebook page for lots of information on the film.
And more pics from the party and the carpet.
Work it ladies. But not just any ladies. On the right Wende, founder of the Placencia Lobster Festival and her friend, the found of the Gilroy, California Garlic Festival. Super stars!
A truly beautiful evening.
The owners/investors in Robert’s Grove.
And being interviewed on the couch…
Minister Manuel Heredia from San Pedro.
The beautiful Melonie Gillett performed two songs at the opening ceremony. Check out here video for “Come Away” – great commerical for Belize.
Love her dress.
And then the music, the introductions, the most beautiful rendition of the national anthem I’ve ever heard and the movie…
A few people lingered by the bar but most were on the beach watching the opening film.
This was just the opening party. Events are going on here and all over the country all weekend. Check out the schedule and go to your local viewing. How often do you get to go to an outside movie in Belize?
Support local and international movie making in Belize. I’m certainly having fun doing that…
Here are the official media sponsors of the event.
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