Ambergris Caye, Belize During the Slow Season
For those that live on Ambergris Caye during the “slow season” (the heart of it is Sept & October), you quickly realize that we are a fairly small population – a small town. And you really get to meet all of your neighbors…
All the island small talk seems the same. Always starting with chatter about the weather – too much rain, too little rain, the heat, a depression coming in…you know how that goes. I’m SO loving this message across the current National Hurricane Center’s map. Let’s all knock on wood together.
And then, invariably, about how slow things are in this less touristy season. “Last week we were busy but this week (pause for teeth sucking) – MEIN, it’s slow“. Then speculation starts about when it will pick up…it’s often peppered with stats about a hotel that is booked out for the first week in November or Tropic Air Reservations (there is always someone with this info – usually a taxi driver. Who is leaking it?) or rumor of a large group coming for Halloween.
Gossip is a cornerstone, always. But that is true anywhere. Yesterday’s buzz was: Speculation why the September 21st parade was so short…the potential closing of one of the water taxi companies…a new sushi restaurant opening…maybe…the usual stuff.
Many workers are off during this “off-peak” time – at least for a few weeks – and most people, are (at a minimum) a little bit broke. I have been trying to curb my eating out – my budget has tightened. But yesterday, I walked to town to meet a friend for lunch at a local deli. A GIANT $9 or $10bzd plate of stew chicken, rice & beans. Food on this island is quite reasonable when you eat local.
Plus, it’s delicious. Note that the gravy on the R&B is so critical.
After four days of heavy rain at night and grey skies during the day, the sun was out and it was really a pretty day.
Here’s what I saw and what I ate.
The dock at Ramon’s Village.
A church is set up on the back street in the “football field” area. “Let God Speak Through the Prophecy”. Guy Nembhard (I had to google this) is a Pastor in the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
And there is a building going up – for NICH. National Institute of Culture and History. Now that’s a good thing.
Some people were trying to toss a baseball around in the corner of the field – but gave up pretty quickly. The ground is WET.
It seems as though this…is not coming.
And then to Briana’s Deli for the second day in a row for the stewed chicken – dark meat only. My friend had the T-Bone Steak.
Today is another beautiful breezy day. Enjoy.
I am set on finding something cheap and fun to do on a September Sunday in San Pedro.
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