Belize Fashion Week in San Pedro is Finn Approved: Lights, Designer Collections and Catwalk!
From fashion correspondent Fin Kardashian:
This past week, BFW (Belize Fashion Week) showcased the best designing talent in Belize and even featured some international designers from around Central America. Although it’s not a Mercedes-Benz Bryant Park NYC fashion show, I would SO love to congratulate Pat Grief for putting on an outstanding event. We have Tropic Air’s 2014 Belize Fashion Week!
Me sitting in the front row with designers Joris Hendrick, Francis Alfaro and organizer, Ms Grief.
The show is 100% Finn Approved and is one of a kind.
The Designers and their collections:
Andazi- Andazi, Maureen Navarette-His Glory Designs, Francis Alfaro- Heartink, Saskia Alejos-Saskia Alejos, Adrian Rocker-Iconic, Char- A list Fashion, Joris Graniel- Joris Hendrick, Daniel Torres- Jada’s, Gabriel Garcia- GMX, Julie McCord- Julie Mango and John Vejerano- John Vejerano.
Quite a line up.
The catwalk was all in order with Emmy award winning Arlando Smith directing it, I sat waiting and I was blown away by Saskia. My FAVORITE collection. SAZ, KAZAZ, FINTASTIC ITS FINTABULOUS….am in love!
2 nights two shows incredible designers, different styles – all really nice.
The Winner of my heart was Saskia a 16 yr old designer that has what it takes to make it in NY, Paris and Milan. A Cohesive and flawless collection with the same fabrics of Dolce and Gabana.
Can we be best friends or what? LOVE LOVE LOVE…..I wanted more and more but a collection this good always has to come to and end.
Some more fabulosity – in no particular order. This much fashion is hard to keep straight.
Can you believe this was in the High School auditorium?
Please notice Chito with two drinks – totally no judgement.
Well then till next year – maybe I can design my own line tejeje! Or work at BFW 2015.
Remember to always be fabulous, rock your bitch smile (in the best possible way) and have ZAS.
From FinK to you. XOXO and Happy Holidays!
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