What’s New San Pedro? Weather, George’s Kitchen, Lazy Croc’s and the New House of Culture
There has been a bit of a cold front moving through Belize over the last few days. Yes, I have heard that it is SO much worse in the states. Freezing temperatures in all 50? Hard to believe in mid-November.
Here in San Pedro it has been blustery, rainy and just chilly. Last night, the temperature dipped to a slightly dangerous 72. Dangerous if you are a big cry baby like me who got soaking wet in the rain.
You needed some serious Gorton’s Fisherman rain gear to head out yesterday afternoon.
All that aside, there have been some new developments around town. Most/all of which I shared on my Facebook page. And I am SO not a person to brag, but it’s a really good place to get pictures and updates about what’s going on around town. So here are some of the bigger “Scoops” from this past week.
San Pedro’s New House of Culture
NICH (The National Institute of Culture and History in Belize) has no small job. Not only is Belize jam packed with history – practically every lump in the ground is some Maya site – but with culture. Mestizo, Garifuna, Creole, East Indian, British…all very different and fascinating.
And look at this picture I JUST took in the park of the kids at Holy Cross school celebrating the Garifuna culture.
Gorgeous. And I love the dog watching the re-enactment too.
There is the amazing Museum of Belize in Belize City (a must visit, I say) but various outposts scattered about the country. FINALLY, we just got our own in San Pedro! The opening party was Wednesday night on Garifuna Settlement Day and I stopped by briefly to see our Minister Manuel Heredia wearing a dashiki and dancing with some Garifuna dancers…
Yesterday I stopped in briefly (love the sign) and chatted with Mito Paz, who has been the catalyst for this project.
Right now the displays are geared towards the Garifuna culture.
And then on permanent display some really amazing artifacts found at the Marco Gonzalez Maya site on Ambergris Caye.
This GORGEOUS triptych shows a history of how the local San Pedranos populated this caye over 100 years ago. Moving, during the Caste Wars of Mexico, south through Tulum and Bacalar…beautifully done.
They are open from 9am to 5pm all week long. Stop in for sure.
Changes at George’s Kitchen
George’s Kitchen is a long standing restaurant just south of town that has been a favorite forever. Maria and George, one of the sweetest couples you’ll ever meet, have run this place, basically solo, for years and years. Making delicious food (the BEST breakfast sandwich you’ve ever eaten – I even called it My Favorite Meal in San Pedro a few years ago!) and working HARD.
They are ready to retire to a beautiful home in Belmopan – I actually stayed there before it was completely done – in 2012 for the Belmopan Trade & Agriculture Show. All hotels in town were SOLD OUT and they so kindly let us use their home.
SO…now iconic George’s Kitchen is closed. And being renovated a bit for someone to come in and lease the spot. I spoke to Maria and it will no longer be called George’s Kitchen.
We will all miss their smiling faces on the island but I’ll be glad to picture them taking it easy…with family…in Belmopan. Not too far away.
We love you George and Maria and wish you the VERY best!
(Old pic! From 2011)
This one is a bit of a doozy. Lazy Croc’s was a BELOVED business on San Pedro for maybe the last 5 years? They were open a few days a week and had a TOTAL cult following. They did US Style BBQ before anyone else on the island and they did it FANTASTICALLY.
Last year, the owners of the business and the property sold the restaurant to a father/son team – Canadians. They came in with huge ideas…delivery in town, expansion of the menu, opening from breakfast to late night. I spoke to the owner, Christiano, a few times and he was excited and energetic.
I wrote about the spot in December 2013…and it was great. “New Owners Take Over…”, I also visited when they had a crazy HOT wing eating contest for $1000 cash. And someone won on the first try! “Local Bar Owners Takes $1000 Prize…”
Changes were made, menu items added and adjusted and prices…almost doubled. And bad reviews started coming in.
Just a few days ago, I drove by and the signs were gone and there was a huge FOR SALE sign on the property.
Apparently, the new leasers had moved out quite suddenly and Lazy Croc’s is closed. The OWNERS of the property do not plan to open the beloved food joint…
SO Lazy Croc’s is no more.
Word on the street is that Christiano is still in town and running a bar back-a-town. I’ve heard the words “ill repute” bandied about.
That cannot be confirmed at this time.
But I know the island will miss Lazy Croc’s immensely.
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