Halloween in San Pedro, Belize, 2015: It’s Not to Be Missed – Part One
Last night was a beauty…warm, rainless and BUSY! The town was hoping with parties everywhere, the Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow, giving a pre-election speech in Central Park (on Halloween! in San Pedro!), fireworks and everyone out and about celebrating.
My friend Steve, owner of Lola’s Pub and co-owner of the new this season Stax Sunset Lounge & Cafe at Hol Chan Resort & Villas took some amazing photos of the goings-on…and shared them with me at 2:03am. I was…fast asleep. THANKS STEVE!
Here is his partner in the new project, Trevor.
Ha…I like it.
And a pre-party at the Cigar Bar on Front Street.
Brittney from Sandbar Bar, Restaurant, Hostel, Emporium as the Easter Bunny.
And then to the party of parties – the Holiday Hotel.
This costume is a commitment…
I love this picture! No idea who it is…but love it!
Dorian and Amber of Ambergris Today. Struck by lightening.
And the poor judges! Looking rightfully perplexed and overwhelmed.
Nothing scarier than clowns.
Wowzer…I guess you walk to the party?
AHHHH! There are so many GREAT pictures! 89 photos I take, 72 are crap. Steve’s are all good.
Birthday girl Mary from the San Pedro Sun.
Chef Chris from Blue Water Grill…I think.
Okay…time to wrap up Part One. Lots more FANTASTIC pictures tomorrow and all the winners of the big prizes.
Okay one more…Deputy Mayor Gary Grief.
And a few more late entries! Thanks Einer from Ramon’s Village!
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