Halloween in San Pedro, Belize, 2015: It’s Not to Be Missed – Part One

Last night was a beauty…warm, rainless and BUSY!  The town was hoping with parties everywhere, the Prime Minister of Belize, Dean Barrow, giving a pre-election speech in Central Park (on Halloween!  in San Pedro!), fireworks and everyone out and about celebrating.


My friend Steve, owner of Lola’s Pub and co-owner of the new this season Stax Sunset Lounge & Cafe at Hol Chan Resort & Villas took some amazing photos of the goings-on…and shared them with me at 2:03am.  I was…fast asleep.  THANKS STEVE!

Here is his partner in the new project, Trevor.


Ha…I like it.


And a pre-party at the Cigar Bar on Front Street.

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Brittney from Sandbar Bar, Restaurant, Hostel, Emporium as the Easter Bunny.


And then to the party of parties – the Holiday Hotel.

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This costume is a commitment…

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I love this picture!   No idea who it is…but love it!

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Dorian and Amber of Ambergris Today.  Struck by lightening.


And the poor judges!  Looking rightfully perplexed and overwhelmed.


Nothing scarier than clowns.


Wowzer…I guess you walk to the party?5D3_2756

AHHHH!  There are so many GREAT pictures!  89 photos I take, 72 are crap.   Steve’s are all good.

Birthday girl Mary from the San Pedro Sun.5D3_2758



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Chef Chris from Blue Water Grill…I think.5D3_2772

Love this one Ben.5D3_2791

Okay…time to wrap up Part One.  Lots more FANTASTIC pictures tomorrow and all the winners of the big prizes.

Okay one more…Deputy Mayor Gary Grief.


And a few more late entries!  Thanks Einer from Ramon’s Village!

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