Halloween Madness At the Holiday Hotel: Party of the Year

Every year, the entire town (almost) dudes and dolls up for Halloween and heads to the HUGE red carpet event and late night party at the Holiday Hotel.

Ben of Truck Stop – I am still not convinced that this isn’t a real dog’s head.


And his wife Joanna’s!


I…have never done it!  Never been.  My last days of partying for Halloween looked something like this.  (I mostly love these photos because my little brother – age 42 – has the best costumes.)



But here are some fabulous pictures that were taken while I was fast asleep.  I partied last night by having pancakes for dinner.

Crazy…I know.

These are borrowed from Dr. Sam – our awesome vet at SAGA Humane Society.  She also writes a beautiful blog (the last post is heartbreaking – but man are we are so lucky to have her).

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And from my friend Cheryl – the Tres Cocos Nurse sharks.


Lots more photos will be coming from the papers but for now, I am quite sure that everyone in this town is sleeping.

Today is the SAGA People and Pet Halloween party at Carlos and Ernie’s – a super fun event where I will be guest judging pet costumes.  This is the biggest fundraising event of the year – it’s worth it to go for just the raffles – they have FANTASTIC prizes.

I am very open to bribes.  I HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE!  It’s a great event.  (See previous years below)


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