Saturday in San Pedro: Beautiful Weather and a March Against Off-Shore Drilling
January in Belize is absolutely stunning. The temperature highs plummet to the low 80s and sometimes the mid to high 70s. The air is a bit crisper. All the migrating birds are here.
My view out the window this morning at Cayo Frances Farm & Fly – also known as “the camp”.
I know what you are all thinking…if only it was January all the time.
This osprey is probably thinking the same thing.
I was headed down to Central Park for a rally against Offshore Drilling in Belize. The government okayed seismic testing in October 2016 without consulting the public. The people of Ambergris Caye turned out in droves to SAY NO and the testing was shut down.
Public consultations were then scheduled for January 18th and 25th in Belize City and those too were cancelled.
On our caye, everyone, directly or indirectly, make our livings from our environment. Citizens turned out to say No to Oil off our coast. Exploration and drilling. We need to make it law.
Yesterday was a morning march…
No matter what your beliefs yesterday was a remarkable day for peaceful marches around the world.
And this beautiful picture was taken by Jose Luis Zapata with his drone. I was very unsure of our formation on the ground but it turned out great.
As I was headed north, I stopped for a moment to see “The Reef Angels” spearheaded by MJ and his PassionKite crew, collecting bottles. His growing team freedives and gathers trash from the ocean floor. GO REEF ANGELS. For information on how you can join them OR learn kite boarding in some of Belize’s most beautiful waters, check out PassionKite.
As well as my blog post visiting their floating shop.
And then it was up to the Farmers Market at the Truck Stop were I bought some gorgeous bread and GOOD LORD THIS IS DELICIOUS smoked fish from Ian Anderson’s Farm House Deli.
Thick bread, arugula, tomato, cream cheese and smoked barracuda and, I’m telling you, you are in heaven.
Sun dried tomato boule by Sue. Smoked barracuda by Farm House Deli. Fresh picked arugula by Cayo Frances Farm & Fly.
And then off to the camp. Elsie has turned into an intrepid boat dog. We went back through the shallow lagoons of Ambergris Caye.
And what a gorgeous evening. Elsie watching as Jeff comes into the camp. The sun was setting…
And, man, what a beautiful January sunset.
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