A May Morning in San Pedro
Today the wind has shifted. No more breeze from the south and the haze it seems to set over the caye…today is a gorgeous bright blue May day. And I headed to town. Inspired by the pretty weather and sparkly ocean, I took a bunch of pictures.
Two things of note on this Wednesday. We are starting to see the decline in visitors as things warm up in the states and Canada – it’s the time of year that you can actually find a parking spot for your golf cart. Just wait until school gets out.
And fruit and veg was delivered today. The island usually gets new produce on Tuesdays and Saturdays. But since Monday was a holiday (Labour Day, May 1st) – we got a Wednesday delivery this week. And the best of the bunch looks like beets, habanero peppers…
yummy mamey…
Hey! I didn’t say two exciting things, I said notable.
Some pictures around town.
The view from the gas station at the back of town.
And one of my favorite signs. I wonder if they have been able to collect on this.
Enjoy the day. And please, don’t squeeze the fruit.
Oh and one quick thing, especially for you who are not on Facebook – the HORROR! There is a new section on my home page…down in the Footer with the recent articles, posts and blogs written about Belize – and some other usual stuff. You’ll find it here…
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