A Walk Around the Historic Fort George Area of Belize City
As soon as you get off the water taxi in Belize City – or even the cruise ships that anchor here, you on a peninsula that juts out into the Belize City – an area called Fort George. This historic neighborhood is home to old wooden colonial houses – some in decent shape, some seriously sagging and buckling – the Radission Hotel and the Great House Inn (I stayed there 7 years ago), a handful of NGO headquarters and embassies along the coast.
And at the mouth of the Belize River is the Baron Bliss Lighthouse and Memorial. I was in Belize City yesterday for a meeting and a few errands and took the chance to walk around and take some pictures.
Before I start, one quick note. A friend pointed out to me that today is the SanPedroScoop 8TH ANNIVERSARY! My very first blog was published 8 years ago. How crazy is that?!
The Great House Inn.
The amazing conservation fund – Programme for Belize.
Love these Bahama shutters and whatever this flowering vine is…the smell was GORGEOUS.
I will sneak by for a cutting next time.
I would have loved to have seen this one when she was originally built. The rounded porch!
And the park across the street.
A pretty gate.
And one of my favorite houses.
Climbing jasmine.
I found artist Alex Sanker working at the Radisson.
I peeped in the fence at this home and garden and found later that it’s for sale.
I would love to buy one of the really dilapidated homes – barge her to San Pedro and do a renovation. (In theory it seems like a lovely idea – but it would very quickly become a nightmare I am sure. Or…we could film The Money Pit Belize – the original 80s movie starred Tom Hanks and Shelly Long)
It was time to do my errands. First stop was La Petit Cafe at the Raddison for a bag of jalapeno johnny cakes to go.
Love the “Order here!” and “Anticipate Here” signs.
I headed to my Framing Shop to get some photographs framed. And then lunch at the Image Factory – to moon over this beautiful painting of a rooster in a dory by a Belizean artist.
$850bzd was the marked price.
We took the water taxi back home to find the beach in Central Park San Pedro looking quite beautiful.
Belize City has her charms…sometimes they seem a bit hidden in the city but if you look closely, you’ll find them.
For lots more posts on Belize City – check out my posts below and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Thank you all for reading. It’s the most important part.
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