Regulations Relaxed on Ambergris Caye – Caution Prevails

I don’t know about you but I’m getting a bit tired of the phrase – the “New Normal”.  Every single tweak in regulation (here or in the US or anywhere) IS not a “new normal”.  It’s a learning process…sometimes just a best guess based on data and the experiences around the world…aimed at protecting the greater good.  Nothing going on right now is “normal”…

May 1st brought a relaxing of the quarantine regulations in Belize.  Our Prime Minister called for a cautious re-opening of the INTERNAL economy.  All of our countries’ borders are closed.  But now open, though with continued restricted hours and social distancing rules, are most stores, restaurants for take-out and often delivery, barbershops, offices…hotels can re-open…

Bars, casinos, nightclubs will remains closed.

Movement on public transport – on water taxis or buses – should have a purpose and be able to prove it.

All new rules are tentative – an “uneasy truce” as the Prime Minister stated, keeping ready for a potential “second wave”.  (You can read more about statistics and our previous quarantine in my last post)

Oh and one more thing, while I’m airing my own personal grievances, can we temporarily retire the term “flatten the curve”,  the word “cluster” and any social media post that starts with “I have a friend who is a doctor” or ends with “dig deeper” or “follow the money”.  Also, please don’t tell me to “share this, make it go viral”.  That’s generally a head’s up that what you are sending is propaganda.

But back to my blog post.

Yesterday I headed to town in the morning (only the second time that I’ve been into San Pedro in over a month!) – to go to the bank, to a few stores and I took a bunch of photos.  Here they are.

A selfie in my mask.  The thinnest scarf I could find.  A downside of masks is that they are HOT.  But they are currently the law when outside.

Driving in Fask Mask

The island is incredibly dry and dusty with a few months of no measurable rain.  The photo below is about 4 miles north by Mata Grande Store.

Dusty road by Mata Grande Store

Schools still closed.

Distanced lines at the banks.  I had to make a deposit at the Credit Union…but the line for Atlantic Bank was about 40 people long.  Western Union was even worse.

Mine was short and moved quickly.

Across the street, I waited for my turn to go into the Greenhouse.  And was given rubber gloves before entering.

Gloves at Greenhosue

I had my face cover but Greenhouse had some for sale.

Many spots had water and soap or sanitizer outside.

Here is Harmouch Hardware.

I found lots of local mangos…mmmmmm.  And look how beautiful the red habaneros are.

Habanero and Mangos

Red Habanero

My usual lunch spot wasn’t open yet so I hit the brakes when I saw this sign.  I LOVE meatballs and rice.

A few pictures of the beach in town…

And back up towards the bridge.

Boca Del Rio

Heading over…

Eating my meatballs…and heading out to walk the dogs and take a few more pictures on a HOT DRY beautiful day in Belize.

The puppies mother MOCHA  (aka Moki or Mo-Mo) is getting back to being a puppy herself now that her brood of 12 has moved to their new homes.   She is probably just over 1 year old herself.

And one last thing…thanks Church’s Chicken.

I looked it up and this chain (I HAD NO IDEA!) is HUGE!  There are two in Cancun, one in Campeche…Church’s Chicken in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.  Huh…


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