What Is the Weather Like In Belize in September? HOT
What is the Weather like In Belize in September?
Right now, we are at the peak of Hurricane season – a season that spans 6 months, June 1st to November 30th. But September 10/11 is the historical zenith and it just takes one look at NOAA’s storm map to see this year, we are right on schedule.
In fact, there are 5 named storms swirling about the Atlantic/Caribbean. Paulette (who just hit Bermuda yesterday – the entire island was within the eye wall!), Rene, Sally (who is about to visit New Orleans), Teddy and Vicky.
There is only one more name left in the 2020 list – Wilfred – before tropical storms will be named by Greek letter. Tropical Storm Alpha…Hurricane Beta…you get the picture.
The last time the Greek letters were used was in 2005 – the busiest storm season ever recorded with hits like Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane WIlma. 2005 say 31 named storms in total.
— Wonder what sort of pace we are keeping vs. 2005? Tropical Storm Vicky was just named this morning, Hurricane Vince, in 2005, formed on October 8th. We are a good three weeks ahead of the 2005 “schedule”.
All these storms..it must be rainy in September, right?
No. Weather is reliably hot, reliably VERY HUMID, and in general, very sunny unless a storm is near. Odds are…it won’t be. But everyone checks the weather maps at least a few times a week during this time.
Today, Monday mid-day. Frannie goes running out to the beach – I find her panting under the coconut tree 30 seconds later.
Since I’ve been in Belize (full time since 2007) – I’d estimate that we’ve seen one or two tropical storm or hurricane warnings a year – and only one Hurricane – Cat One Hurricane Earl in 2017. We’ve had a few misses (the very scary night as Hurricane Dean moved to our north in August 2007) but here’s what I’m trying to say…
Hot still HOT humid days far outweigh stormy days. Dark clouds…sometimes a burst of rain in the afternoon. Sometimes EPIC rain during the night…so strong that it seems as though someone has a hose full-blast pointed at your window.
If you’ve been in Belize for a tropical downpour, you know what I’m talking about.
When I hear September, I think HOT. I think this…
Monday mid-day, 7 mile north Ambergris Caye.
I was thinking….what a great day for fishing! as I walked down to the edge. But I think every sea creature saw me first…the water splashed in about 15 places as everyone took off as I got closer. Oh well…
SO still that I couldn’t see the reef or even make out the horizon. Pretty but I retreated…GOOD GRIEF IT’S HOT!
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