Downtown San Pedro’s Sea and Beaches Shine
The GORGEOUS cool weather – the breezes from the north and the crystal clear sea – continues on Ambergris Caye. I had planned to write about a deeelicious brunch (best meal there is) I had at Matachica Resort on Sunday but I wandered into the town center yesterday…on the beach parallel to Front Street and…man…so pretty.
So instead I share those pics with you. Brunch later this week.
I cut through to the beach just next to the Belize Chocolate Company. Chris, one of the owners, was giving “Chocolate Class” on the deck over the beach.
I headed to the north – and the first hotel in San Pedro. The Holiday Hotel. (Here’s some of Ms Celi’s story on the hotel’s 50th anniversary in 2015)
I walked to the end of this dock…oh the view!
There is a good-sized yacht offshore – you can see it in the background of this pic. Speculation is that it is someone attending the Investment Summit that is taking place on November 10th and 11th on the island. A former PM of Canada flew in yesterday.
I headed back out to Front Street- dazzled by my own town.
Looks like good weather will continue for a bit.
But remember, while I find Windfinder to be the most reliable weather forecaster for Belize by a long shot – you can only look a few days out. We are in the Tropics and things can shift quickly.
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