Belize Loosens the COVID Restrictions: Big Announcements that Started March 1, 2022
On the last evening of February 2022, the Government of Belize announced a loosening of COVID restrictions almost 2 years after Belize’s first case of COVID on March 23, 2020 – the same day that Belize’s International Airport closed.
Belize has erred on the side of caution throughout the pandemic and has done so, for the most part, successfully.
I was in Placencia (the tip of the peninsula above) and the village was abuzz with the news. Was it a rumor? Real? It was SUCH a big change; we’ve been wearing masks in public for those two years. As one of my Facebook friends Simon noted: “After two years of wearing a mask everywhere I go, it now feels like I’m walking around in my underwear.”
It TOTALLY does.
The Updates
- Masks are NOT required in outdoor spaces, but are still required indoors and when using public transportation.
- COVID testing/proof of testing is not required to enter the country IF you are full vaccinated or for children under 12 (fully vaccinated means 2 jabs for most vaccines- 1 for J&J)
- All Curfews are Lifted
- Unvaccinated travelers or those without proof must be tested when arriving.
- Self Testing Kits are still illegal to bring into the country without a permit (the GOB is attempting to track all results of testing in the country)
- Departure testing is a US requirement – and still required. Belize’s new travel insurance is also required.
Here’s the testing info from the Belize Tourism Board – for all of their info and Q&A – see here.
To comb thru the full statutory instrument issued by the government see here.
Includes info like – Discos and nightclubs, still closed. Gyms at 75% capacity and social distancing are still required.
So…when it comes to masking – bring it with you. Have it ready…this is going to be an adjustment period for those used to wearing it most/all of the time.
And come on down and enjoy Belize – it was amazing before and it’s still amazing.
We had SUCH a fun long weekend in Placencia – me, my brother, SIL, and three nephews. But boys…8…12 and 14? I now need a vacation from my vacation. And I have 100,000 emails to answer and pictures to go thru and blogs to write.
It’s good to be home.
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