My Five: Pork Tacos, Trapping Cats, A Mysterious Tombstone and More

Happy May 1st everyone – I’ll be working on my May newsletter later today (make sure to sign up for my email list on the homepage) but I wanted to share a few things going on – a few things in my life on Ambergris Caye, Belize and some things that have caught my interest.

Trapping the Cat Success

Just over 2 weeks ago, I got a kitten. The clever mother gave birth in a dense, tall, prickly screw pine tree/bush on the edge of the property next door to us. We could hear them cry but there was no way we were getting in there to see her kittens. Then they emerged. One kitten turned into two kittens…and I decided we need to trap the mom – to get her fixed.

Cute tabby kitten
We have Mango (orange tabby) and Cashew (above)

Especially when I spotted her staring into our front door the next day. Clearly mad I had stolen her kids. Obviously figuring out how she might burn our house to the ground 😉

Feral cat looking in door
I see you with my kids…

SAGA Humane Society hooked me up with a trap, and after about four nights of trying, we got her and her three remaining kittens. Her poor nose got banged up in the trap but I know this is a GOOD thing in the long run.

These cute grey tabby kittens (I think this mom had 5 boys!) will be up for adoption and the mom will be FIXED and released back into our area.

There are soooo many cute cats and kittens at SAGA…if you have a chance, stop by and meet them. I know Mango and Cashew’s brothers would love a good home too.

New Podcast

I am a true crime podcast junkie. And there have been some good ones recently but none have piqued my interest like “White Devil” – a 12-part series that starts this week. About a shooting that took place on Ambergris Caye in May of 2021 that…is hard to wrap your head around. “A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma” – it has almost as many layers as the JFK assassination (maybe not THAT many) and we are just about as unlikely to hear the real story…

They really went ALL IN with the title

Listen to this 3-minute intro. Whoa. I subscribed.

Mysterious Tombstone

Talking about mysterious? How about this tombstone that was found on Ambergris Caye a few years back. Who were these people? At a time when the island was almost all Spanish and Maya…Wood? How did they get this tombstone? The father must have been wealthy… (Thanks Mito for helping me think up some of these questions!)

Who is Vienna Wood? (That would also be a great podcast title)

Tombstone of Vienna Wood on Ambergris Caye

Taco Tasting?

I love breakfast tacos in San Pedro. Chicken is standard issue. Some stewed chicken, shredded with a folk, rolled into fresh corn tortillas. With chopped onion or hot sauce or both. (Now 2 for $1bzd on the island)

Pork tacos in Belize

I love love the pork variety. I’ve been a hardcore adherent to Neri’s tacos for their pork offering and their delicious icey banana juice. Every time I try a different stand, I’m slightly disappointed. But yesterday was different.

Tiny taco stand
I’ve never tried their food until yesterday…

I had the best pork (breakfast) tacos of my life at Ms. Juana’s stand just south of Superbuy. It may not look like much but these were savoury and flavorful and fatty without being greasy and…she put chopped onion and chopped cabbage and they were EVERYTHING.

Giant Dump Truck Insanity

I save the most important for last…

This morning, I woke up in the dark…it was 448am. I am not, by nature, an early riser, but it is hard to sleep when truck after truck – large diesel-fueled dump trucks, some 18-wheelers – are down-shifting around the narrow curve behind our house. 8 miles north of San Pedro, in what many still call “out in the bush” and it sounds like a truck depot or like I live over an Amazon loading dock.

Waiting behind dump trucks
Three dump trucks in front of me having a show down with another dump truck – traffic jam for a mile…

What started as a few trucks about 8 years ago – and the quarry at about 9 miles north – is now 2 quarries and 15-20 (maybe more?) giant trucks hauling fill from the pre-dawn hours to sunset…clogging up the roads, jamming the town in traffic as they attempt to maneuver thru our narrow roads…speeding, spraying dust, pushing pedestrians, bikes and carts to the side (or off the side) of the road…it is putting our citizens, visitors and our tourism industry at risk.

There is a movement – spearheaded by a young San Pedrana – to attempt to address this situation. It is starting with a petition. If you live here, own a home or a business here, or visit and love this island, please consider signing.

Why are we all bearing the burden of these trucks for the private gain of a few? Here is the Petiton to Sign.

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  1. Cyndi McLean on May 2nd, 2024 at 6:35 am

    We counted 16 dump trucks from 10 miles north to town last week. Indeed, that is excessive! Many of them go way too fast and expect golf carts to yield, no matter what. I wonder if they are paid per trip.

  2. CC on May 2nd, 2024 at 8:29 am

    Oh I would love to investigate that Tombstone more. I’ve got to know who Vienna is now.
    Definitely will also listen to the new podcast mystery.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Richard on May 2nd, 2024 at 8:57 am

    I agree that the truck situation has definitely gotten out of hand. I don’t understand why they can’t load the trucks on a barge and ship them down south. No more traffic problems and no more damaged roads.

    • San Pedro Scoop on May 4th, 2024 at 7:50 am

      It’s way slower and way more expensive…but I’m fine with that!

  4. Tom on May 2nd, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    This doesn’t have to do with dump trucks butt.
    I’m looking at your electrical lines. Anything in the future put those lines in ground. Pipe wires in the ground. Why hurricanes. Those poles will get wrecked. Put everything you can in the ground. Oh by the way it looks a lot nicer.
    Tombstone. Thats a fake 1889 whatever. There should be moss growth weather beaten all over it falling down situation. That tombstone looks almost brand new. I not buying it.

    • San Pedro Scoop on May 3rd, 2024 at 7:17 am

      I believe it was cleaned and moved. It would be a very expensive fake – especially in Belize!

  5. S.Holmes on May 3rd, 2024 at 11:26 am

    If that is the only tombstone they found, or was the only one left visible? I wonder how many corpses are still in the ground where this soul was interned for eternity. Then along comes possibly an avarice developer on a tight schedule to erect some the new housing project on top of the other graves. Can anyone say poltergeist? I’m sure glad I’m not moving to new condo or housing development in San Pedro that was built on forgotten souls. No need listening to some fictional mystery, sounds like there’s a new mystery in town that if your right, isn’t exactly copacetic. I just love a real true mystery. I digress I’m more like Joe Friday,”Just the facts mam.”

    • San Pedro Scoop on May 4th, 2024 at 7:49 am

      Based on our Maya history, you might be building atop bones in many spots!

  6. Rob Douglas on May 8th, 2024 at 5:11 am

    If dogs are nicknamed Pot Lickers, then what are cats?

    • San Pedro Scoop on May 8th, 2024 at 8:12 am

      Vermin unfortunately! Though we need to rebrand them for sure.