A Walk Around Colorful San Pedro Town…Have I Told you How Much I LOVE Public Art?
San Pedro’s Lobster Festival really ramps up this week — culminating in the big town celebration – the LobsterFest Block Party. (Here’s a calendar for July’s events – there’s a great artist in town today and tomorrow – I dream of owning one of his magical paintings)
The storm Beryl is still wreaking havoc to the north of us – after missing Belize late last week. Many tourists (and some locals…many with homes on the mainland) evacuated the island as the storm watches loomed. And things are slowly picking back up. Slowly.

A bit less traffic gave me the perfect opening to walk around town yesterday and check out new and old things. Here are my pictures.
There is a new mural on Middle Street on the back of the big Parham House. I LOVE IT. Street art – murals – change things so substantially for the entire town.
I’ve already seen a bunch of people taking pictures in front of it.

The artist’s instagram is painted on the side and here post says: “This project taught me so much. I designed it for the up and coming business @deepblueavionics here in San Pedro, Belize. This island is full of amazing things and people and I’m so excited to have had the opportunity to contribute to its beauty. With hurricane Beryl nipping at our heels we were able to complete the mural in 4 days, a new PR! I’m so grateful and proud to kick off my career as a muralist in such an incredible place! 🇧🇿❤️” Here’s Deep Blue Avionics pretty impressive website. Thank you for this mural – we love it!

I still would love to find a way to help local artists find the funding and the wall space to cover our town in art. If trucks and traffic are driving visitors outside of town, maybe we can lure them back with beautiful public art.
It’s verrry good looking.

I saw this logo on their website. Planes and the Blue Hole and the national bird of Belize and the colors? I love it!

Admiring art this early in the morning (ok…it was 10am) makes me hungry. I stopped by Celi’s Deli for one of my favorite breakfast foods in San Pedro.

The many beautiful murals along the wall at the Holiday Hotel.

A look across the street to my friend Master Lee’s spot. I love the colors and decor on his shop. His own public art.

It wouldn’t be a trip to town unless I just smelled the Belize Chocolate Shop.

Chocolate is art.

Lobster and crab chocolates too.

Across the street, the quiet RC School. Kids are out for summer. (And I wonder how that plan to move the school south of town is going…)

I headed back north along Front Street.
Sneaking into a hotel for a sky high view from the outdoor balcony.

It was quite windy yesterday and the sea, a bit cloudy.

I popped into a new business that is just opening across from Central Park. It has a fun Mexican wrestler theme…and I love the colors.

A step inside…

Very cool logo light.

I’ve never tried an ice cream taco…intriguing.

Back outside.

I turned down the next alleyway to the beach.

And some more pretty colors…

And these ladies opening up their juice stand.

Time to get to time…running late this morning. Have a great, colorful week! Let me know if you have any ideas how we can encourage more art in town!
Posted in:
Wow – Deep Blue Avionics seems like an overly ambitious business venture for tiny San Pedro. Sounds like most of the aircraft (prop and jets) they specialize in are too large to even land there. Maybe they know more about the new International Airport (and Cancun style mega resorts) going in ~14 miles north than the rest of us?
“gawd no, don’t ever let that happen”…
I’ll be first to say that I have no idea what they are talking about 🙂 but the website! The logo and artwork! I LOVE IT!
Nice art …….the word will spread !!
Our corporate office is there in the Parham House and in San Pedro because we live there part time. The owner kindly let us paint the wall to bring some color to that drab street.
Our aircraft maintenance activates will be at the Philip S Goldson International Airport.
Psssxtttt….Scoop! Ya got an unwelcome poster here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That’s just a new angle for the Scoop (the publication not the person!)