No More Flat Coke Zeros Belize

Here is a huge discovery I made last week after enduring months and months of FLAT Coke Zeros in plastic bottles.

Coke Zeros packed into golf cart
“Glove box” filled with Cokes

I’m not sure if it is a problem at the bottler – not securing the caps properly – or the storage but ooof. When you are craving that hit of ice cold (faux) sweetness, the sharp, crispy carbonation and you open the cap and you hear…nothing. No psssttt…the disappointment is visceral.

We call them Coke Zero but are they really?

If you are a Coke Zero enthusiast (I’ll save the word addict for harsher substances) – you know what I’m taking about. I’m a 2-a-dayer. It’s my thing. I’m okay with that. There are worse things. (Please please please don’t send me a message about the chemicals or the nano plastics or telling me that Coke Zero is flammable. Gracias)

The flat diet Coke was happening to me every other day at least. 1 out of 4? And it is…awful.

I discovered how to pick the good ones. It’s not fiddling with the caps (to see if they are loose and probably flattening even more of the Cokes at the store.)

You’ll see the Coca Cola brand everywhere in Belize

Just squeeze the lower half of the bottle. If it is FIRM with no give, the Coke will be fresh, sparkling, effervescent. If it has any give – some you can really squeeze! – put it right back in the fridge or on the shelf. It will disappoint.

There is very little to no Pepsi in Belize – and DEFINITLY not Diet Pepsi

Belize Coke Zero drinkers unite! We live in a land of very limited diet beverage choices. You can’t be as picky-choosey as Americans – who have dozens of flavors of diet drinks…flavored seltzers…dozens more. Most stores have ONE CHOICE. Coke Zero. Sometimes you can find Diet Coke in cans from the US but blah…those are not as sweet and they just fall flat.

So get squeezing and choose the right ones.

Now on to my next post about a forming tropical storm in our area.

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  1. Camaro Young on November 13th, 2024 at 9:31 am

    So how do you tell if the Pringles are stale😁. About 1 of every 4 cans are stale. 😡. Even ones with good Expiry dates are stale.

    • San Pedro Scoop on November 13th, 2024 at 4:04 pm

      Oh no! THIS MIGHT BE A CHALLENGE I ACCEPT! I do love Pringles…

  2. Char Marie on November 13th, 2024 at 10:44 am

    I’m in the US and they have been tasting stale here as well???

  3. Richard on November 13th, 2024 at 11:01 am

    I buy Coke Zero at Bowen by the case, when I’m lucky. Lol
    About a month ago, the first five bottles in a case were flat. 🙁
    Took the case back and they exchanged it. Haven’t had a problem since.

    • San Pedro Scoop on November 13th, 2024 at 4:03 pm

      You are lucky. I get SOOOO many. I really feel like a genius for discovering this. I am going to make mention of it on my tombstone. 😉

  4. The ugly American. on November 18th, 2024 at 4:37 am

    Diet coke in cans from the U.S. you say? Color me intrigued.

    Can I ask where one might be able to procure some of those, given they are not your thing?