A National Holiday & How You Can Help

Today is George Price Day, a celebration of a key founder of modern Belize and our first Prime Minister after Independence in 1981. A man known for his devotion and selflessness in service to his country.

This is a relatively new holiday in Belize – made official and first celebrated in 2021. (Just a side note: For those who think Belize has lots of holidays – I seem to hear that a bunch from Expats, we have 13. The US has 11 or 12 Federal Holiday – depending on how you count them – and Canada, 10. But we are not even CLOSE to “a lot” – Nepal has 35, Chile has 20, low-key Japan has 16 – we are positively dour in comparison!)

Beautiful mural of Belizeans in Belmopan, our capital

Here’s an extensive biographical look at his life with some fantastic pictures of his parents, his childhood and lots more. We also expect new currency/bills in Belize this year – featuring national heroes like George Price and Philip Goldson in addition to the British/Commonwealth’s monarch.

Banks, government offices and schools will be closed today, and you might find that some smaller, family-owned businesses are closed to observe the holiday.

In the spirit of Mr. George Price who said…

“Creation was not finished at the dawn of this earth, but creation continues, and we have a lot to do to make the world a better place.”

…let’s do!

Saturday, January 18th is National Clean-Up Day, sponsored by the Department of the Environment, OCEANA Belize, our town council, and more. Here is how YOU can help.

Here are the OFFICIAL details on the North Ambergris Caye clean-up – organized by the North Ambergris Alliance.

We have an ambitious clean-up route, but it’s a long route, and that means that there are lots of businesses and homeowners along the way to pitch in. Below are the meeting spots for the clean-up. Please please please come out – even if just for an hour and let’s move this in the right direction.

I, for one, am sick of seeing all the litter on the side of the road. Yes, we need better municipal sanitation services; I know, it’s not YOU that throws the litter; yes, it takes a long time to reverse bad behavior, but let’s do what we can to help our environment, our community, and our tourism industry by getting out there on Saturday and being a good example AND beautifying where we live.

I believe that there is a high correlation between drinkers of Rude Boy and those that litter – we find lots of it on the roadside! Maybe it’s the “horny goat weed” 😉

We have a number of rakes and boots but if you have your own (or trash picker-upper thingies) please bring them along! Trash bags and some gloves will be provided! It looks like the weather will be fantastic – and we’ve had some VERY low tides the last few days. Hopefully, it won’t be too mucky.

See you there 🙂 For updates and questions, RSVPs and information, our Facebook page or you can WhatsApp Catherine at 672-4526. Bring a family member and a friend and maybe the guy next door.

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  1. George Vidrine on January 15th, 2025 at 12:50 pm

    Police should start issuing tickets to people that litter. The word would spread and maybe this would keep the island clean.

    • David Martin on January 15th, 2025 at 9:21 pm

      “Rude Boy”? – you ‘almost’ can’t blame a guy for jumping out of his cart and tossing his bottle in pursuit of a woman – after drinking 7%ABV, a large dose of guarana (caffeine), ginseng, and Horny Goat weed! I mean, c’mon…
      🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️ 🐐!

    • San Pedro Scoop on January 22nd, 2025 at 11:26 am

      I agree but govt officials seem VERY hestitant to issue any types of fines for anything…I guess it angers voters? Ugh.

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