SAGA Cook-Off and Trivia at Pedro’s Inn Draw Big Crowds
Seriously nice night.
There were six donated dishes competing. The $10bzd entry tickets sold out fast. Seafood was this months category.
People are starting to get pretty fancy. Look at this gorgeous smoked salmon with a vinegrette and little star shaped puff pasty crackers.
Sharon is serving and it was prepared by Mathieu’s Deli.
Entry #4 from Molly Malone’s at The Hotel..mussels. I’m not sure where people are getting salmon or mussels from in Belize (neither come from anywhere near here)…but definitely a nice change of pace.
A tasty seafood marinara. As you can see…I spent more time taking pictures of food than people. BUT it did insure me a position first in line. Tirelessly blogging each day (ok…almost every day) does have its benefits.
The line behind me was LONG.
Everyone did a great job. I voted for #2…a tasty morsel of fish with a sweet jicama salsa but I COULD NOT STICK AROUND to see the winner. There was a dream team to meet…a trivia game to win or so I hoped. Read about how I was robbed a few weeks ago if you like: Yes, I Was Robbed at Pedro’s Inn.
I worked for 2 weeks to find trivia buffs…those who knew things I never would. I met my team at Pedro’s Inn for the weekly trivia match up. The categories were seemingly innocuous. Geography, Sex, Pot luck, Music and Movies.
There were quite a few teams…
We didn’t win. So, as the good sport that I am, I’ll just leave you with a particularly uncomplimentary picture of another team.
We tried…Al, Rob, Carolyn, Beth and me, we tried. We will do better next time.
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