Belizean Melody: Melody Sanchez Wolfe is Making San Pedro More Beautiful
Art is good for everyone. (I’m deep, right?) Creativity, self-expression, child development, mood elevation, beauty, allowing us to dream…there are hundreds of reasons that art & culture should be part of daily life. I love the fact that everyone can do it and everyone can enjoy it. I’m no philosopher but you are picking up what I am laying down…
Art, crafts, music, photography make my life better. And I love the fact that we have so many talented artists here in San Pedro and in the country of Belize.
Here is one of them. Melody Sanchez-Wolfe. She has the shop “Belizean Melody Art Gallery” that not only features her work but the work of artists and craftspeople from all of Belize. You are going to want to stop in.
Melody with a very cute Xmas ornament…
one of many. These you could display year round.
And this hand painted gourd? The cutest thing ever.
These drawings were done by an artist named Sinesio Rash from Punta Gorda. Just 23, he was actually discouraged from drawing his whole life and punished by his father. A waste of time was what he was told.
After dropping out of college, he was sent to prison at 18 and for four long years, practised his drawing. He was acquitted and found wrongfully accused AFTER those four years. He came to San Pedro recently and met artists like Melody who encouraged and fostered his talents.
He sold a number of pieces at the recent San Pedro art show and continues to work…aiming to do tattoos (as well as paintings) one day.
Melody’s work is beautiful too. She has major pieces in restaurants like Blue Water Grill and a huge mural at Black Orchid restaurant. She teaches art classes for kids or adults at resorts and restaurants.
Feliz Bar just north of the bridge has already done two super successful art nights.
Fun, right?
I admired this painting while in her shop yesterday…she had just used it to teach a class…and she gave it to me. MINE ALL MINE! I love it.
Melody is also a born and raised San Pedrana. Her mom is Dulce Wolfe and her step-dad is Dennis Wolfe. Both are famous in San Pedro. Dulce owns Denny’s Truck Stop at BC’s Bar and is known for her delicious food as well as her flower arrangements and cake design for parties and weddings. Dennis came to Belize about 30 years ago from the states (with Charles Sr. of Estel’s Restaurant), has been playing music all over the island (if you’ve visited, you know him) and married Dulce when Melody was just a little kid.
Melody graduated San Pedro High School and always had an interest in art. Just starting out, she sold her paintings at Belizean Arts Gallery in town and has branched out to commission work for restaurants and homes. For the past few years, she has owned her own gallery.
She sold her very first painting to the original owners of Casa Picasso Restaurant, a spot still filled with local art.
Melody is the town’s official Art Director through the San Pedro House of Culture and the San Pedro Town council. She just coordinated the big art fair in town and brought in artists of all ages from around the country. (Still mad that I missed it.)
Melody is also gorgeous and the mother of a son. She was in the 2005 Belikin Calendar as Miss September…a very big deal in Belize.
Stop into her shop to buy something while in town or just to look around and chat with Melody. It’s the perfect “time out”. I’m telling you. Looking at pretty things makes you feel better. Men too! Stop being a tough guy and just try it. For the air conditioning?
She posts pictures of art, bios on artists and snap shots all the time on her gallery’s Facebook page. And can generally ship to the US or Canada.
Oh yes and LASTLY. Melody is a very creative advertiser…look at this guy I ran into a year ago. THAT is a love of the arts.
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