Blue Skies, Blue Water, A Friday Afternoon in Caye Caulker
I am sounding a bit like a skipping record and am WAY over using the word GORGEOUS. Perhaps I need to switch things up a bit word-wise. But the weather in Belize right now is just perfection. Yesterday my friend and I took an early afternoon boat ride over to Caye Caulker.
Everyone seemed to be laying around just enjoying the sun. Even the potlickers…
Here are some pictures around Caye Caulker. Every time I go…which now seems to be about once a week…I take the same pictures over and over. But the caye is just SCREAMING to be photographed. Everything just looks so perfect to me.
A frozen coffee drink and bag of hot sugary donuts should be everyone first stop. At Ice N Beans.
Licking my fingers, I headed down to the Split.
And definitely the world’s most beautiful busted down seawall.
We need some of these signs in San Pedro!
They have some EXCELLENT new floatie additions to the area.
I could enjoy the water and the breeze here all day but I headed out to find some lunch.
And I was drawn in by this very pleasant sitting area at Paradiso Cafe.
And then the GORGEOUS view (there’s that world again).
A simple menu but the food looked fresh and delicious…
I sat back in a comfortable seat…enjoyed a MASSIVE roast beef sandwich, heavy on the mustard and veg just like I like it and chatted with an Australian who works on the rigs in Alberta, Canada and is travelling around for a month.
Here’s the sandwiches close up.
Polishing that off, my friend and I went down to the Barrier Reef Sports Bar’s afternoon open jam session. We had about an hour before our water taxi home.
And just as we were about to leave…a 9 year old girl got up with her guitar and sang “Surfing USA”.
Cutest thing ever. And she got a HUGE standing ovation.
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