Snapshots in San Pedro: Mixed Weather and Good Eats

I was ready to sit down and blog a few hours ago.  After a quick walk with the dogs.  We hurried out; dark clouds were looming.  And as we closed the outside door to the balcony…a gust of wind and SLAM.  I didn’t know it until we hurried back in light rain but…the lock broke and we were locked out.

UGH.  But now…back inside…here are my photos from the day.

October weather is here.  To me, it’s the stormiest, most changeable time of year.  Torrential rains at night…followed by dark clouds early morning…

and then BLAZING sun.

Followed by clouds and then…you get the picture.

This is all before noon.  The heat is more intense than any other time of the year.  The humidity is always around 100%…

I went to town this morning – and ducked inside for two passovers.

I was diverted to the back road on my way north out of town.  I passed the panade shop – and it hasn’t been open in AGES!  If you haven’t…try Obando’s place.  Seriously good, cheap local food.  (Read about it here at his old location)

I had other lunch plans.  I’ve been thinking about fried conch since the season opened a few days ago.  And one of my favorites – and DEFINITELY the most economical – is at Aba Isieni.

Conch was NOT on the menu but man…they make great fried food.  Great fried chicken.  Great filet.  I decided to try Fried Shrimp.

$12bzd.  I seriously can’t think of a better deal.

And the crunchy fried shrimp as soooo good with cole slaw.

Quick note on coleslaw.  In the US, coleslaw – to me – was a TOTAL throw away.  Bland and wilted and often laced with my most dreaded herb…dill.

In Belize, it’s served with rice & beans.  And is often made with this strange British product called Heinz Salad Cream.  It comes in a THICK glass bottle, like ketchup, that makes it very difficult to get out of the bottle.  But that just adds to the allure.

It’s a thick sweet twangy mayonnaise that I would liken to Ranch Dressing.  It tastes great on pretty much everything.  I’m not saying it’s classy…I’m only saying it is DELICIOUS.

And SO…it is the perfect dipping, smearing sauce for Aba Isieni’s fried shrimp.

One quick stop on the way home.  I stopped into the fruit stand for a head of garlic.  They had one and I bought it.

They have some very cool looking local pumpkins that just SCREAM Halloween.

And had a quick chat with the Belikin delivery guy about his name tag on his truck and how to pronounce it.

Isidro.  i-SEE-dro.  Make sure to roll your R.  The patron saint of farmers.  Good name.

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