Gorgeous “Cold” Front Sweeps Over Belize

Last week, Belize set some new records for October with temperatures in the 90s (real feels/heat index levels over 110). Sun blazing, low winds, just incredibly warm for mid-October.

But Monday, the first “cold front” of the season blew in. The winds shifted – now blowing in from the north. Bringing lower humidity, a very brisk breeze, and dropping temperatures. Yesterday was in the upper 70s/low 80s – and the heat index was also in the low 80s. For Belize? That’s a serious temperature drop. Kids were sent to school in tightly zipped sweatshirts, adults brought out the long-sleeved shirts.

I SEE YOU ROLLING YOUR EYES! But temperature is relative. In Barrow, Alaska, locals celebrate the warmth of spring when temperatures first get above freezing (in June or July!)

On Ambergris Caye, the temperature ranges between 70 and 90F year-round. SO when the thermometer shows temps in the 70s? When everyone’s bottles of coconut oil solidify on their counter? (Coconut oil turns from liquid to solid at 77F) You can be sure Belizeans are getting out their jackets and rubbing their hands over bowls of hot chicken soup.

Absolutely beautiful. Here are some photos of the cold front yesterday in San Pedro, Belize.

Central Park San Pedro sign
Central Park, San Pedro

Kids coming home from high school along Central Park Beach.

High School kids walking home
Central Park Beach
Heading south - the beach in San Pedro town
Heading south, the beach in front of the Spindrift Hotel
Beach by Holiday Hotel San Pedro
By San Pedro’s first hotel, the Holiday Hotel, in downtown San Pedro
Beach at the Holiday Hotel
Beach at the Holiday Hotel

The closed Wild Mango’s Restaurant…a favorite spot that shut earlier this year.

Closed Wild Mangos Restaurant
Wild Mango’s Restaurant is now closed

I decided to keep walking south…passing Blue Water Grill Restaurant.

The view from Blue Water Grill
The view from Blue Water Grill

A friend of mine had taken a picture of the beach at Ramon’s Village Resort and their property is so pretty…

Beach front casita
A beach front casita at Ramon’s VIllage Resort
Ramon's Beach Chairs
Ramon's Village Beach

I had walked maybe 1/3 of a mile and…I wasn’t sweating! I haven’t felt this fresh and clean in months!

The beach at Ramon's VIllage
The beach at Ramon’s Village

And their gorgeous curvy dock. Dive boats were coming in from the morning dives, visitors were walking around in flip flops and bathing suits…no clue that this was a cold front.

One that looks like it might stick around all week. Enjoy!

Dock at Ramon's VIllage

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  1. Gretchen on October 18th, 2023 at 2:07 pm

    No eye-rolling here. Been suffering 100°, feels like 120, heat for months here in NOLA. We just got a break, but back to high 80s Friday. I think beach heat is different because…beach. Enjoy!

    • Benjamin on October 21st, 2023 at 9:35 am

      In NOLA as well. What a brutal summer! Can’t wait to be back in San Pedro next month.

  2. Jo Jo on October 18th, 2023 at 5:49 pm

    Feel so lucky to have arrived during this amazing weather. It’s simply beautiful. Also staying at The Holiday Hotel!

    • San Pedro Scoop on October 19th, 2023 at 9:29 am

      I hope you have a great trip!

  3. Nick on October 20th, 2023 at 11:40 am

    Cold fronts in Florida – people be looking like eskimos with 3 layers of clothing, mittens, scarfs, & insulated boots.

    I didn’t realize my car heater still worked and I paid a small fortune for heated seats and steering wheel I never get to use.

    Wait, its only 65 degrees outside??