Halloween is For Pets Too: SAGA’s 9th Annual Halloween Town Party
The stars of the show were definitely the pets in costume. Here is Willie as the Tin Man.
And they waited patiently for the contests to begin (some more patiently than others). Sunflower here won the title: Most Original.
Set up started early in the morning. We had lots of donated items…plenty of rum from Travellers.
Lots of cupcakes, cookies, brownies. Thanks to Mary from the San Pedro Sun for these chocolatey/marshallowy confections. And to Cindy from Asian Garden Spa for her awesome brownies.
And to Dulce Wolfe for making us oodles of fresh donuts. She is opening her business Denny’s Truck Stop and Donut Shop soon. Stay tuned…
So many raffle prizes donating and lots of winners.
Little Tesla even won a bar tab at Crazy Canuck’s! Next round on her. (Picture of the two of us borrowed from her mom.)
We had free candy for the kids.
We had over 10 AMAZING volunteers working at the food booth. Most had never served stewed chicken before in their lives. Thanks guys!
The silent auction was up and running.
The main tent was decorated with free poop bags. Pick up after your dogs!
The bar was open. Many thanks to Picasso Spirits for the delicious Sangria. Buy a drink, feed a dog.
Okay…the costumes started coming in. Here are the different categories…
And here come the dogs.
Sadie as Dorothy! Her brother is the Tin Man above.
The animals were paraded before the crowd.
The little angel hamming it up for her fans.
Couples remains my favorite category. This dog can do some excellent tricks.
Another great couple. Cupcake, the world’s smallest dog!
VERY stiff competition.
Tamara and Rhonda, our excellent MC for the event, made the announcements.
Our winner for cutest? The very very tiny bumble bee.
The turtle sunflower won most original. And scored herself 4 swim noodles from Wings, a gift certificate to D&Es Frozen Custard and Sorbet and some turtle biscuits.
And Cosmos SUPER SCARY accepting his prize from Alice, one of our more faithful SAGA volunteers.
What an amazing (and exhausting) party. Thanks everyone who donated. We will be thanking you all again and again in the coming days. From the tiny grocery stores in Boca Del Rio who gave us 3lbs of rice to the volunteers that served the food and the beers to the amazing resorts, tour groups and restaurants that donated big prizes for our silent auction, we are still hoping this will be our best year yet! It’s not over yet…
Don’t forget. Our silent auction continues until Oct 30th at 5pm Belize Time. You can find the information at AmbergrisCaye.com or on our facebook page or email me at [email protected]. Check out the list…we just got new donations from Xanadu Resort, Blue Water Grill, Red Ginger and Caliente’s Restaurant. All island favorites.
THANKS SO MUCH FOR YOUR GENEROSITY. The animals of San Pedro thank you. And I definitely do. THANKS.
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