Kelly McGuire Packs Fido’s: SUPER Fun Crowd Dances & Sings for Three Hours

I’ve written about Texas artist, Kelly McGuire a few times in my blog.  He is now visiting San Pedro 2 – 3 times a year and February is his biggest set of shows.  1.  Because it’s one of the busiest months on the island.  Just look at the crowd that he drew last night…


And 2. because it’s his BIRTHDAY and he always does a big birthday bash on Ambergris Caye.

I arrived early for the 6pm show.  A good 15 minutes early (which in Belize is like arriving the day before) and saw Kelly unloading his equipment from a taxi.  This guy needs roadies!

I caught up with Kelly and Brian, the General Manager of Fido’s, while they were setting up.


The crowd was in an excellent mood and the crew sitting at the bar cleared a spot and pulled up two stools for me and my friend Twilla.  We were surrounded by fun, lovely people.  Met some new friends for sure.

The bar crew & staff were hard at work.  Here’s my buddy Chris behind the bar looking all sheepish.  If I was this good looking?  I’d never wear a shirt AND be posing for pictures left and right.

Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.


People were sitting at first…

IMG_8206 IMG_8224

And then the dancing started…this awesome couple started it off…

IMG_8225And then NORM arrived.  NORM!  Norman has been coming down here for YEARS.  Each February.  This is his FORTIETH TIME.  40!  Love the hat…he’s been wearing a HI… hat since I met him 7 years ago.

IMG_8226Fun, fun, fun.

IMG_8232The dancing girls brought the percussion…

IMG_8233 IMG_8235Singing along to every song.  Even if you don’t like this style of music, last night was VERY fun.  And, lucky for you, Kelly is doing a bunch of shows at Fido’s.  Including the always HUGE SAGA Humane Society fundraiser which includes Kelly as the auctioneer for lots of great stuff.

Did I mention that he spent a full afternoon earlier this week filming a Public Service Announcement for SAGA?  He really is a good guy and totally devoted to Ambergris Caye.


Oh yes!  I also forgot to mention that it wasn’t just Kelly last night.  Amauris, who lives in San Pedro but is originally from Cuba, is an AMAZING guitarist.  Even Kelly, I think, was seriously impressed.   I’m not sure how he makes his fingers move that fast.


IMG_8231And Dean Cavall was playing that awesome sit down slide guitar like thing…let me google this…

IMG_8108but it makes that amazing WOOOOWWW sound.  Very 70s Steve Miller Band.  I love it.

There you go.  It was only the first of many shows at Fido’s.  Here is the full schedule.

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It all should be VERY good times.

For all the information on Kelly, check out his website Red Fish Island.  And see you there for sure.






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