Clouds Move In as We Head Into December and A Weekend Preview

Yesterday was a busy afternoon.


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I was scheduled to take the water taxi from my home (next to Xtan Ha Resort, 7 miles north) to San Pedro town.  Pick up guests for “the camp” – Cayo Frances Farm & Fly.   Meet a boat and take them up to the camp.

So from Yellow arrow to Red arrow and back.

One thing FIRST!  I just bought my very first NEW IPhone – no more hand-me-downs…I TORE OPEN my new golden IPhone 7s and ushered my sluggish IPhone 5 into retirement.

Please excuse all my clumsy videos and graphics but I’m going a little bit crazy with excitement and the power of a modern phone!

I walked out to meet the Coastal Xpress water taxi at Xtan Ha Resort.

Xtan Ha is constructing a new over the water restaurant and bar.   On the left is the old building – this photo taken in 2013.

Much of the dock and all of the palapa-ed bar was washed away by August 2016’s Hurricane Earl.

The replacement is coming…

I went to the end of the dock and waited for the 1:15pm water taxi.

Low clouds hanging over the island – the edge over Central Park.

Four guests arrived and we loaded into a boat and headed north to Cayo Frances.

Up the west side of the island – drop off and back down as the sun was setting.  The trip up taken about 25 minutes.

The Palapa Bar…

I headed back home.  This time by golf cart – passing Croc Sunset Bar north of the bridge.  (Open for less than one month!)

Friday morning, again we are starting with clouds…

…but things are brightening.

As always, for a weekend forecast, I recommend WIndfinder.   Remember that we are in the tropics!  And rainy weather now could be full sun in a few hours or even 15 mins.  Changeable!

Here’s what I have on my calendar for the weekend:

Please let me know what else is going on!


Belize International Yoga Festival Weekend – Ending in Performance by Garifuna Collective!  (Belize City)

7pm at The Truck Stop, Family Movie Night!  Despicable Me 3


2pm at The Truck Stop, Cornhole Tournie and Pool Party!

6pm, Central Park, Christmas Tree Lighting Party

I’m headed to an Opening Party for Brahma Blue Resort on Saturday evening.  I’ll report back!

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