After 7 Years, Brahma Blue Resort Re-Opens with New Owners and a Party
Heading Across the Lagoon to Brahma Blue and Play Villas
Yesterday I attending the re-opening of Brahma Blue and Playa Villas on a really interesting part of Ambergris Caye. Our caye is a surprisingly large island. Most who have visited and even those who live here have only explored a tiny portion. The most populated bit is our only town – San Pedro – which is on one of the narrowest parts of our caye.
Walk from the ocean front (and Front Street) to the lagoon (and Back Street) in just a minute or two and you’ll be looking out at the San Pedro Lagoon.
Here’s a map. San Pedro town on the east side of the island and then…
marked by a purple arrow is a piece of land and marsh. About 10 years ago, this land was sold and big plans were made by a bunch of different owners.
Some were incredibly grand plans like Islands of San Pedro and some a bit more modest like the Caye Winds Mansions (okay…not THAT modest.) Buildings started going up. I visited a gorgeous Indian restaurant at the Brahma Blue Resort in 2009 or 2010. The resort was just opening…
And then the financial crisis REALLY hit and everything came to a stop.
I pass this area often…on the way out of town up to the west side of the island. And though I see some lights on – I wasn’t sure what was opened. I knew that some, if not all, of the buildings were repossessed by banks.
SOOOOO…I was excited to get an invitation to visit this spit of land – not on the ocean side and not on the west side but in the middle. Surrounded by the San Pedro Lagoon.
Brahma Blue Belize was finished and opening! There would be a boat at 4pm – and every 20 minutes after – for a tour and party to celebrate. I headed out on a beautiful December evening.
Our town elections are coming up in early 2018 and that means POLITICS! A rally for the encumbant party was set up in the old Football Field on Back Street, San Pedro. Load music was warming up and would be BLASTING all night.
I was the first on the boat. The Mayor and some of the town council, the Minister, Mr Heredia, soon arrived. Apparently I was on the VIP boat.
We headed across the lagoon. The music faded to silence.
The only way to reach this area is boat…which is actually really nice. You are 5 minutes from town but what feels like a world away. We pulled up to the huge palapa that used to be the Indian restaurant.
I headed out on the tour. Brahma Blue is a good sized building – 14 condominium units in all – with 2 gorgeous penthouses. There are views of water on both sides.
We walked by the pretty pool…
And headed upstairs. The mayor and his tour group were right behind us.
Let me show you around some of the units. Incredibly tall ceilings and modern simple lines, the building is beautiful.
The view across the way is town. From the back of the building, you look over lagoon and a pretty little mangroved island. They’ve put in extensive docking…
The only thing I could see other than water and brush and trees was the Mahogany Bay Beach club. Opening soon on a beautiful beach on the west side of the island.
And then a view from the front…a bit to the north.
Some information about the new owners. It is a group from Ontario, Canada. A few years ago, they bought three buildings just next to Brahma Blue. They finished the homes and they have been rented for the last few years. Check them out here – Playa Villa.
There they are…to the left of Brahma Blue.
Just about one year ago, the group decided to buy Brahma Blue. It took a little time to work with the bank – but by mid-2017 they owned it and set about renovating and readying.
And it opens this week. Condos are for sale and for rental.
I headed back down to the palapa where the bar was open and some very tasty snacks were being served.
Perfect spot for the setting sun and the rising moon.
I had to return to town to catch my water taxi.
The website is still a work in progress but I found information on this website – and booking availability as well as this picture.
The Villa Playa rental homes and Brahma Blue.
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