Skies and Beaches Clear on Ambergris Caye
Hazy skies have cleared…and….even more exciting, sargassum has slowed or stopped this week and our beaches look great. I wasn’t planning on taking any photos yesterday but MAN was it a gorgeous morning.
The view as we left the camp.
And then passing Cayo Espanto.
And then some more photos in town…
Sandy Toes Beach Bar…
And then back to the center of town – I had some errands to run! Very low tide…
And a look over at Polo’s Golf Carts and Gift shop. THEY ARE GETTING SO GOOD with tires…first I saw the owl.
And these spoonbills and egrets and…SO CUTE!
These are NOT your grandmother’s plastic lawn flamingos…they are SOOO cute! (Did you know that the lawn flamingo is the official city bird of Madison, WI? And why don’t we get an official bird for San Pedro – we could SO use a mascot!)
For more information on Polo’s shop – check out my visit a few months ago. Perhaps Mom would enjoy one (or a flock) in her garden!
Exploring A Very Cool Spot: Polo’s Golf Cart Rentals and Gift Shop
Happy Mothers’ Day to everyone – mothers, pet mothers to all. Have a great day!
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