Weekend Photos And Returning to An Old Favorite
Over the weekend, I wrote about the first rain shower I’ve felt in…months. “Dry season” doesn’t just mean that it will be mostly sunny…it means NO RAIN. Usually February, March and April can pass without a drop…
Rainy season, on the flip side, does not mean ALL rain or rain every day. It just means a chance. And days that are mostly sunny, especially this time of year.
Here are some photos I took Friday and Saturday…of the one looming rain cloud that was following me and stopping into Belize Chocolate Company – a FAVORITE of mine…for the first time in a year!
Here we go…
At about noon, it was a perfectly sunny beach day.
But less than an hour later…this cloud was following me. I decided to walk the little stretch of beach in San Pedro – the one sandwiched between Ramon’s Village and the very popular Blue Water Grill and stopping for some chocolate.
Wild Mango’s…such a GREAT spot for lunch. One of the best. The salads and the wraps and the drinks…all delicious.
Diamante Condos. (I remember climbing the construction site in 2014 and leaving my SanPedroScoop sticker on a cement beam of the top floor…wonder if it’s still in there!)
And just south Babylon Beach Resort. (These were apartments the last time I walked by)
I headed back to get my chocolate…the rain was coming.
As soon as I got in the shop, it started. A perfect time to order a chocolate and…a blondie! Very outside the box for me but delicious.
You CAN NOT GO WRONG in here. Impossible.
By the time I finished, the rain had stopped and the sun was trying to peak out. It’s another feature of “rainy season” in Belize – generally, the sun will be out soon after a rain shower. By the time you finish your blondie or your Belikin.
I jumped out of my golf cart not far away when I spotted a fishing boat tied up to the dock. I think the guys were stopping for fresh water and to do some laundry. It’s incredible how 5-10 mean go out for a week in this…
I can’t leave Central Park without a few pics of the sign.
The sun was definitely coming out – about 10 mins later, I pulled over again when I saw the parasail boat unfurling the sail…
Beautiful. I hope you all had a great weekend – I’m off to a new location today…but still on Ambergris Caye. I’ll definitely give you the scoop.
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