A Few Things I Did On A Very Grey Day
Victoria House is closed for a few weeks for maintenance and renovations. Workers were doing a bit of plaster work in one of my favorite afternoon bars…when you are feeling a bit more sophiticated.
By the way, in San Pedro, though you can dress up as much as you want, “more sophisticated” generally means putting a t- shirt on (for men) and a cover-up over your bathing suit (for women).
My favorite house south of town. There are bigger ones, there are flashier ones but this is just the right size.
A bright blue building farther south again the grey sky.
Look at this cute baby mangrove popping up. Hush baby mangrove don’t say a word, Mama’s (that’s me) gonna buy you a mocking bird…
I had a meeting in the afternoon in town. I was a bit early and stopped at a favorite bar on the beach. Can anyone recognize it from this picture of the ceiling?
Or this burrito?
You guessed it: BC’s Beach Bar
And JUST after I finished half of my burrito, the fish empanada man came in. $1bzd for 2 fresh empanadas covering spicy slaw. Well…I’m just going to have to try those too.
My advice when you visit Belize. Try the street food, try the food from the vendors who ride around on bikes shouting “Hot Tamales” or “Fresh Ceviche”…it’s often some of the best stuff you’ll get. And perfectly safe. (I can vouch for that. 6 years of eating it and I’ve never been sick from the food in Belize).
Pretty tasty.
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