Belize City on the Busiest Day on the Year, Part One
December 1st – I’d been jotting down events for that date for the last few months.
International Day of Yoga, Belize City Christmas Expo, Shopping Downtown, a Christmas tree lighting.
Add on some errands that I needed to run: pick up Jeff’s Angiogram CD at the Cardiology Center, head to the pharmacy, pick up at The Framing Shop….and I had a FULL day planned.,
When I hopped on a JAM PACKED water taxi yesterday at 10am on a bright sunny blustery morning – I realized I wasn’t the only one headed to Belize City for the day.
Below are two maps from the Moon Guides…that show where the water taxi comes in…and the surrounding area. And then the greater Belize City area. I’ve marked up a bit…where I was. To give you a sense.
And then about 14,000 pictures because SO MANY THINGS were happening yesterday in the country’s largest city.
Take a look.
It’s a 1.5 hour ride from San Pedro to Belize City. I met the boat at Central Park. Our town was gearing up for last night’s Christmas tree lighting.
They are setting up a manger in town this year.
I had a few minutes so I thought I’d waste some time in one of the gift shops near the water taxi. I bought this very cute $6bzd tote bag and by the end of the day, I was SOOOO glad I did. I used this to haul all sorts of stuff back to San Pedro.
Super cute tree at the San Pedro Belize Express Water taxi terminal.
Quick things about Belize City: I don’t recommend it to those just visiting for a week. But for those who live here and PARTICULARLY at Christmas, there is lots to see and do.
I got a taxi at the water taxi terminal – and we headed to my outermost stop. But first a quick meat pie (Belize’s #1 breakfast food) from the famous Darios.
The Belize Christmas Expo at Caribbean Motors (just next door to the Biltmore above – I went from the little blue oval to the red). 3.5 miles out on the Northern Highway.
Caribbean Motors is a HUGE space and a huge dealership for all sorts of car & truck brands that I’d NEVER heard of before moving to Belize.
Very popular is the Great Wall Wingle. A HUGE tough looking pick-up truck called a WINGLE. Or JAC Motors…how about Joylong Motors. All huge automotive companies headquartered in China.
Hard name to fit into a country song. Wingle…rhymes with single. Or…commingle?
Anway…back to the Christmas Fair.
Inside – all sorts of made in Belize goodies. Cloth tote bag used for jams and honeys and ginger products.
I bought a Guava Jam and Mango Jam.
And a LARGE squeeze bottle of Belize honey.
ANd then a booth I’ve been dreaming of….all things GINGER. Spicy and healthy and plentiful in Belize – it’s one of my favorite flavors. Mullins Creek Ginger
The crystallized ginger is going to be SOOOO good in a Gingerbread Loaf and the syrup? I’m just going to pour on everything. It’s like a spicy dark simple syrup. Make my own ginger ale? Yes please. With cheese and yogurt…on oatmeal? Yum.
There was local wine in flavors like cashew and pineapple – about 15 varieties.
I love the idea of a gift basket of ALL of these products. A Made-In-Belize Christmas set. Or if you are doing a destination wedding?!
And then the talented duo of Rebecca of Twig and Pearl (my fave) and the lovely Kaj of Kaj Expressions. Bride’s maids’ gifts!
Rebecca’s beautiful leather goods and baskets. ALL made in Belize.
Doesn’t she make you want to buy that uber-chic fanny pack?
And then the jewelry! I want these earrings!
Both ladies will be in San Pedro over the coming month for your Christmas shopping.
The jewelry will be at the Truck Stop’s Christmas Craft Fair on December 15th. And Rebecca will be in San Pedro — a POP up shop — at LAVISH HABIT on December 22nd. HURRAY!
It was time for me to head out. With about an additional 5lbs in my load. I was going to walk towards Belize City…along the highway to Brodies – one of the biggest supermarkets in all of Belize and then to gawk at the beautiful Christmas decorations at Mirab’s Department Store.
I passed some cool looking local eateries…
And the Traveller’s Rum museum and bottling plant.
I have so much more…so I will hold off until tomorrow.
Happy Red Top Christmas!
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