2019 Russian Space Craft Shell Washes Up On Beach Of Ambergris Caye, Belize
Sounds like the beginning of a low-budget Sci-Fi movie, right?
As soon as I saw the title in the recent San Pedro Sun article, I knew I had to see it for myself. A piece of a Russian manned rocket ship from the early 1980s that washed up in Belize? One that was launched from southern Kazakhstan – over 7500 miles from Belize? This seems CRAZY.
I mean we’ve had unorthodox things was onto the beach on Ambergris Caye before. Boatloads of Cuban refugees covered in soot after an engine fire. I’ve seen a submersible that was part of deepwater oil exploration. A TransAtlantic pedal boat. A dead pygmy sperm whale. We’ve all heard stories of the “square grouper”. (And that’s just in my 12 years of living on the island.)
I sent a message to David Campos, the man who pulled the shell from the water to find out when I could take a look. The answer? Any time. It was leaning against a coconut tree in front of Indigo Condo and Resort, about 4.5 miles north of Ambergris Caye.
But before I went down there, I quickly watched the episode of Gilligan’s Island where 2 Russian cosmonauts land on…well…Gilligan’s Island.
Notable quote from Ginger: “Agent 36-25-36 reporting, sir.”
I forgot how bizarre that show is but I consider it research.
We drove down to Indigo and found this.
So cool that the barnacles are in a square – around the ridge where there’s a hatch or panel.
The first thing we noticed – it’s in SHOCKINGLY good shape if it had been in the ocean for over 30 years. The steel pieces are still basically shiny and….perfect. Fabric and foam still in good shape.
I know this was made to go into space – but wow. Really good shape.
Such good shape that someone came with a hack saw and STOLE the largest piece (some sort of mechanism) earlier that morning.
SUCH GREAT SHAPE…I needed more information on this.
My friend found a few pictures of a Russian space scrap that had washed up on the Mexican coast. I love the photo posted on the NASA chat room.
Couldn’t put a shirt on? 😉
It was identified as a 2015 Launch of a Russian craft from French Guiana.
AHHHH…French Guiana to Belize rather than Kazakhstan to Belize makes LOTS more sense!
Here’s the map of the Gulf Stream.
I gave up after a good amount of googling.
But last night my friend pointed me to a post in REDDIT where a vacationer on the island posted about this find and identified the craft. GREAT DETECTIVE WORK.
It’s SOYUZ VS22 – launched from French Guiana in 2019. To deliver broadband satellites to space and then return.
There is an incredible amount of information online – you can actually watch the launch AND the landing. You can read how the boosters are jettisoned after 118 seconds.
So even though it’s not 1981 and instead 2019 – it’s still WAY COOL. And you can go take a look at it on the beachfront at Indigo.
There’s even a cute alien clinging to it. (Starfish are kinda like aliens.)
My suggestion is to make it a tourist stop…very Route 66 Americana style. How about something like this on the Secret Beach junction? Give it a bit of Russo-Belizean flair – maybe the starfish?? Sell t-shirts!
Let’s just say that they’d be Russian to it.
Or this?
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