Adopting TWO Kittens & A Chocolate-Banana Bread Emergency with our Dog
It’s been an interesting week in our “Pet Department”. One emergency visit with the vet at San Pedro Vetenariry Hospital on Sunday and then a slightly unplanned adoption on Tuesday. Let me tell you about both.
For those unfamiliar with pet care on the island, we are SO lucky to have two facilities. The amazing SAGA Humane Society – funded by donations and fundraisers – does INCREDIBLE work. They have so many dogs and cats that they care for and put up for adoption – they are also in the process of building a new facility. They do so much – you can follow them on Facebook for information, updates and to make donations.
There is also a private veterinary clinic called San Pedro Veterinary Hospital – and on Sunday…the day they are closed…our dog Frances was going to venture up on the counter and eat 2.5 mini-banana breads packed with chocolate chips that I had just baked. Eat some on the counter, carry some into bed and eat it there and…ALL my fault. A totally amateur move. But in my defense, Frannie (we’ve had her for 6 years…she’s probably 8 or 9?) had never been on the counter before.

Until Sunday. As we climbed the stairs to the house, we heard some uncharacteristic yelping/groaning. When we opened the door, she looked pregnant – like FULL term. Her belly was THAT distended. And then we found the parchment papers/wrappers on my computer keyboard and on the floor, and…ugh.

Frannie is a potlicker – which means she grew up eating chicken bones galore all over town…she has yacked down a good chunk of a small wish willy (black iguana) before I yanked it from her grasp…she has an iron stomach. But chocolate? Maybe 1 cup of mini-chocolate chips? We needed to get that out.
The internet basically told me she was on death’s door (in the same way it diagnoses me with cancer if I ask it about any symptom). She was clearly uncomfortable. We administered a small dose of hydrogen peroxide…and a good amount came out. But this was going to require a visit to the doctor. Thankfully, we contacted SPVH, and the vet tech talked to the doctor and they both met us at the clinic in about an hour.

Oh Frannie…
She was weighed, and a shot was administered to make her purge. And purge she did. About 90 seconds later, she was over one pound lighter.
There was an IV and charcoal and a prescription. Feeling a bit stupid but incredibly grateful, we drove home with Fran. And she has been fine since them. She was ready for her 5pm dinner just a few hours later.
Oh potlickers. Now, to unplanned kitten adoption.
Tuesday morning, at about 630am, as I was turning over in bed, I heard a loud, distinctively kitten meow. I jumped up and looked out the front door. One of the guys at Xtan Ha Resort (just next door to us) was holding a tiny, disgruntled kitten up just over our fence. Sigh…I guess it’s time.
But let me back up a bit…a few weeks ago, as I was cutting thru the Xtan Ha Resort pathway that connects to our yard, I heard…kittens. I stopped…followed the sound…and gauged that they were about 10 feet above my head in a very dense, very prickly-sharp screw pine. You had to admire the mother. No one was getting in there to mess with her kids. You’d need protective clothing and a chain saw to get in there.
I chatted with the guys working at the resort. Yes, they had heard kittens. Yes, they had seen the mother – a feral tortie cat – running from them when they approached. Yes, they would keep an eye on them for me.
I visited about once a day and either they had learned to be quiet or mom had moved them. I kinda gave up. I left tuna a few times in the area but it was untouched (though the ants surely enjoyed it)
2 weeks later…there was Jason…holding a kitten above his head.

Oh good grief! Jeff and I had talked about getting a cat for Cayo Frances Farm and Fly – to do a bit of mousing, sure, but to mostly lay around lazily and to be adored. No kittens! We’d both had bad experiences of screaming kittens, 1000s of micro-scratches on our arms and hands, and sleepless nights.
Well…change of plans! The 4-5 week old orange tabby kitten and his 50 flea friends came into our house.
And then Jason messaged me about 45 minutes later. The mom had left another one. Would I take it?
ARE YOU F-ING KIDDING ME? We didn’t think, we just agreed. And that has turned out to be the best snap decision we’ve made in a while. Two brothers, that can play with each other, comfort each other and sleep together. And to keep each other quiet. It TOTALLY works.

We got to the important work: Naming them. Ball and Chain? Johnny Cake and Fry Jack? Robles and Rocky? We settled on Mango and Cash(ew).

Wish me luck! Frannie is not at ALL sure about her new brothers. But for now…everything is going well. Cashew is using his litter…Mango is a slow-starter.

Easy peasy! Until they can climb out of their box. I’ll have them at home for probably 1.5-2 months more…and then we will transition them to the camp where they can GET TO WORK!

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What a Sunday you had with Frannie – I’m thankful she’s alright! We have had beagles for 35+ years, and the things they get into and money they costs us…
And thank you for adopting those adorable babies – I know they’ll do a good job for you!
SO glad everything worked out with Frannie! Love your sweet new babies!!!
She needed help but as soon as she was feeling even a little bit better (like 1 hour from the vet) – she was looking at us like helicopter parents.
It’ seems to be kitten season everywhere. 2 friends in Seine Bight each found freshly born kittens next to the hiway. Some really cool ppl just chunked out there, leaving them to natures whim, Luckily 3 out of the 4 are still hanging in there. At their age, eyes still closed, not only needing to be fed almost continuously, they must be stimulated to urinate and defecate or they wont. That isn’t a pretty picture.
Good luck to you kitten lovers!
I had a kitten like that years ago in San Pedro – it’s scary how much time they need and how touch and go it can be! It’s also scary how many kittens a cat can have each year. Next step…trap the mom. I hope…
Great news that everything turned out OK. We have a Lab that eats everything, he especially likes 2X4’s
Ha. Frannie is generally more of a roller – roll in peccary shit or dead fish..long dead. 🙁
Those kittens are adorable. And bless you for adopting them. You guys are amazing!
Our French Bulldog ate a dozen chocolate-dipped shortbread cookies on Christmas Eve. Those cookies ended up costing us $1100 US. Thankfully she is ok, but she 100% would do it again.
Fran would SOOO do it again. She was looking at us with such scorn afterwards…
Are you going to try to trap the mother to get her spayed?
Yup – SAGA doc in next week so we’ve got it planned. She’s a pretty girl and deserves an easier life!
Neutering the kittens, too?
As soon as they “drop”! Hoping to trap mom and fix her this week. Yes!!!
So nice of you to take in the cute kittens. Having sibling pets is the best!
Whew, so happy Frannie is okay. Lesson learned (by you), but as you say above, she’d do it again in a heartbeat! Dogs, gotta love ’em. I am not even a cat person (allergic), but those are two cute kittens. The ears and eyes…I am smitten by a kitten (or two)! Glad you were able to help them, and they will be useful at the camp for sure.
It’s so odd – Frannie likes one of the kittens (Mango) and DOES NOT LIKE Cash. Follows him around trying to pick him up and move him no matter what he’s doing…