Spring 2021 (Post-Covid) Bucket List in Belize
I don’t think anyone will be forgetting last Spring for a while. February and March 2020…watching the news…China, Italy…feeling stunned…and shocked, immobilized. Buying a 50lb sack of rice, bushels of toilet paper and packets of ramen. (The rice filled with bugs and the ramen? It’s still in the pantry.) Total lock-downs and curfews. The uncertainty. It is, obviously, one for the history books.
Spring 2021, so far, is feeling SOOO much better. Perhaps too good? Hopefully not. It’s not POOF, the pandemic is over but more seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. And feeling like it’s getting brighter.
The monotony of the first days is fading – I’m typing this from the camp (Cayo Frances Farm & Fly) which is OFFICIALLY opening this week. I can’t wait to show you all the upgrades and changes we’ve made!
I’ve been traveling a bit – both locally to beautiful Matachica Resort – and off-island, to gorgeous Ray Caye Private Island Resort.
I’ll try to keep it simple it very simple but not HIGH pressure…sure I would love to visit India again or but if there is anything that I’ve learned from 2020, it’s that BIG long-term planning can go out the door in a heartbeat.
Spring 2021 Belize Bucket List
A sort of New Years Resolutions…because I’m finally there!
Visit The USA, Family and Friends
I think this is top of EVERYONE’S list. Every year, I got to the East Coast to visit my brother and his family – my 3 nephews. I always go in June or July – I am NOT risking temperatures below 60 degrees. No way. They were even coming to Belize – to visit Cayo and Placencia and me – in March of 2020. Obviously that trip here was postponed.
My best friend, Jamie, has also visited every single summer since I moved to Belize 14 years ago. I’m hoping…hoping…hoping…she can come this year safely. I miss everyone!
Eat at My Favorite Breakfast Spot on Ambergris Caye
So simple…just do it! But we are still trying to stay as close to home base until we get vaccinated…that is just us. But I can’t wait to head back to Estel’s Dine by the Sea again!
Work on My Gardening Skills
I saw this Meme/Saying twice yesterday…
…and it felt very fitting for me.
I acquired two new plants this past week, I just planted some cherry tomatoes and arugula seeds at the camp (though our camp manager tells me that a north wind will kill young tomato plants)…and I’m really enjoying it all. Well…not the weeding part so much. But there has been dirt under my fingernails for 3 days now and I don’t mind it one bit. There is something SUPREMELY satisfying about seeing your seeds sprout and maybe one day producing a fruit or veg. Those four tomatoes we harvested from our yard are pretty much the best I’ve ever tasted.
Additionally, a reader and I have been chatting about growing lemons on the island. (You can read “Limes, I LOVE Lime But Why Are There No Lemons In Belize?” here.)
I am planning to head out to this Mennonite nursery in Springfield Village (world’s most basic website?) to buy some lemon trees…and somehow get them back to San Pedro – cars…barge…we will see. Sure I could contact them somehow and maybe have them shipped but what fun is that?
Re-Work my Website
This is the equivalent of spring cleaning…but if you let your house go for 5 or 6 years. My website – I love it. But it is getting older and cluttered and is a bit of a clunky patchwork now. There are thousands of blog posts and they need to be ordered and cataloged and SEO’ed. Ugh. My original designer was amazing but he has moved on to bigger better things.
The new site is going to be simplified…not try to do as much (because honestly, I am not going to have an updated list of restaurants in Hopkins at all times….I just can’t afford to travel that much!)
So while I love writing and taking photos, it’s things like this that make me want to crawl into bed and take a nap. Wish me luck!
Update My Book and Start the New One
I published my book about Ambergris Caye in the summer of 2019. And a few things have changed…not much but a few. I hope to update by Christmas of this year. A new POST COVID edition!
And…I’m going to start working on one for Caye Caulker. Really I am.
Thank you EVERYONE who has reviewed my book on Amazon. I can actually say that I am a 5-star rated, Amazon bestseller…with 133 reviews. HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!?!
Work on the Quarantine-15
I’ll leave it at that.
Visit Punta Gorda, Belize
It’s so beautiful down on the far south side of Belize. I loved it when I last visited in 2014 for the Chocolate Festival and I really want to go back. Badly. It’s just a LOOOOONG bus ride!
Here are my photos around town in 2013 – the old historical buildings and the culture. Just beautiful!
(See Ambergris Caye at the very top of the map? And Punta Gorda at the bottom. It’s a boat…taxi…LONG BUS ride to get there if you are going budget!)
All the photos that I’m seeing in friends’ instagrams of Copal Tree Lodge aren’t helping. Holy GORGEOUS!
Submit my Application for Belize Citizenship
I’m working on it. I qualified years ago. I started twice and…just let it fall to the wayside. THIS IS MY TIME TO BECOME A CITIZEN OF BELIZE. I want to vote.
Belizean voters come out of the polls with purple inked fingers.
Working on handing in my application for a police background check – tried twice this week but was rebuffed (first, it was Womens’ Day and there was no one there to take my form. Second, I arrived at 11:30am and the clerk was on her way to the bank. Sigh. They really make you work for it! That’s good I guess.)
Hold On To My New Hobbies From The Pandemic
I read almost 100 books last year – I have an amazing sourdough starter named Beverly and she is now a part of the bagels I make weekly and the focaccia I’m making for “camp lunches”. I spend a few hours a day, at least, petting, talking to, walking, smooching the dogs. I found old books about Belize on Ebay and other spots and bought them!
Here’s the newest book I’m trying to find!
These are all “hobbies” I want to hold onto.
Those that didn’t stick? Journalling. Pickling. Rearing a dozen puppies. And sea bean crafting. Oh well.
Again…no pressure on any of these! Well…perhaps just my website re-building, I have a Zoom meeting with the programmers tomorrow.
Let me know what you are thinking for your Post-COVID list…I’d love to hear.
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